Raccoon Jesus
We were right there
what did he say?
Nothing crazy/fine-able, just not like him to even really discuss it.
"Sutter, on the challenges of limiting penalties with how tightly the games have been called:
The referees missed some calls last night. If they’re going to call those penalties – you know, Jamie’s penalty is an accidental high stick, and they’ve got to call that, and in the game before, Gabby’s. But there’s opportunities – I know the theme today is ‘San Jose’s power play.’ I’d say the game for me is ‘how come we didn’t have more?’ We have a good power play, too. There’s missed calls in the third period. When it’s three-two, there should’ve been some calls, clearly. There’s two hooking, tripping penalties. They’ve got to call ‘em. I mean, if they’re going to call what they did call – that’s why you ask. It’s even. It’s not about ‘one team more than the other one.’ I’ve said it – there is a lot of special teams in this series. So, they’ve scored five, and we’ve scored three and a shorthanded goal. So they’re plus one, but plus one might’ve been last night, and we might’ve been playing overtime until three this morning if they’d have given us one more. We didn’t the call. [Reporter: Along those lines, did somebody like Rob or Dean talk to the series supervisor?] I talk to him every day. That’s part of protocol, that I talk to him. It’s not in a ***** mode, or a correction officer mode. It’s just ‘what’d you think,’ or ‘should’ve that been.’ We’ve seen some funny ones this series, if you look at it. Five-on-three they scored, and neither one knew that the other guy was calling the penalty. But it is what it is. It’s the first round, and they go from how many officials down to who they feel are the 20 best referees. You know what? Those guys are trying to get another round, too, so it’s not easy for them. "
Kinda cool insight there too on the constant communication between the coaches and the series supervisor.