Rude. Not hi, right back at you.
If you guys ever get a chance, check out the Blue Gryphon in Gatineau. AMAZING stock of old video games, comics, board games and stuff. N64, Game Boy, Sega Genesis, Atari 2600, PS1, NES/SNES, and quite a few more recent games too. Consoles and stuff. Really freaking cool. Went down yesterday and picked up a whole bunch of nostalgia-inducing games.
Trying to lose weight ****ing sucks.
I have been exercising for the past two weeks and i still practically weigh the same. I am even trying to eat less. It just depresses me to see that nothing has changed yet regarding my weight.
Why is it so easy to gain weight, but yet so hard to lose it.
I envy those people who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound.
Trying to lose weight ****ing sucks.
I have been exercising for the past two weeks and i still practically weigh the same. I am even trying to eat less.
Why is it so easy to gain weight, but yet so hard to lose it.
I envy those people who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound.
Define 'exercising'... are you training with a specific plan? Or just hitting the elliptical for 30 minutes and calling it that?
That said, I disagree with the 'less fat' advice above as it depends on the kinds of fat you're having (coconut oil, olive oil, avacado oil are good fats - especially coconut oil, it's a medium chain triglyceride that basically your body sees as a carb so it actually helps to burn fat first). Also in general the fat is more satiating, so it helps to avoid caloric binges as it burns more evenly through the day.
Eggs and bacon (with some onion, garlic, spinach, peppers, etc mixed in) as a breakfast is a great way to start the day. Keep your carbs down until after you've exercised, use them as part of your recovery meal.
I am doing the same thing i did last time when i lost weight a year ago. I am doing exercise tapes. These include intense workouts. Last time i did them i lost like 40 pounds.
I must admit that i did not weigh myself in the morning, so i might not be looking at my true weight being that I was advised that it is best to weigh yourself in the morning.
I am doing the same thing i did last time when i lost weight a year ago. I am doing exercise tapes. These include intense workouts. Last time i did them i lost like 40 pounds.
I must admit that i did not weigh myself in the morning, so i might not be looking at my true weight being that I was advised that it is best to weigh yourself in the morning.
Honestly though remember too, your water weight can swing easily 5-10lbs any given day... so day to day weight is less important than overall trend across weeks.
My best piece of advice is to find exercise that you actually enjoy doing instead of seeming like a chore.
I love biking to work and really enjoy doing heavy lifts to pack on that muscle. Started playing lots of soccer too which is so much fun now that I've learned the fundamentals.
Trying to lose weight ****ing sucks.
I have been exercising for the past two weeks and i still practically weigh the same. I am even trying to eat less.
Why is it so easy to gain weight, but yet so hard to lose it.
I envy those people who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound.
My best piece of advice is to find exercise that you actually enjoy doing instead of seeming like a chore.
I love biking to work and really enjoy doing heavy lifts to pack on that muscle. Started playing lots of soccer too which is so much fun now that I've learned the fundamentals.
I've lost 70lbs this year and i don't do anything crazy.
- Mon-Fri 20min of cardio on elliptical... Mon-wed-Fri are HIIT days
- Mon-wed-fri after cardio I left weights
- 5x10 shoulder press and incline bicep curl, 35lb dumbells
5x10 lat pull down 120lbs
With that routine I eat smart... No bread, no junk food
High chicken diet... Try to stay around 2400 calories a day
Lots of water... Don't eat past 8PM
Take weekends off and use as cheat days but just don't go crazy... Like this weekend cause of my gfs birthday I had cake and I made pulled pork sandwhiches for dinner tonight.
Just kill every day