GDT: Senators @ Devils | 1:00 p.m. | Prudential Center | SNET-E


Mar 22, 2012
Anyone know when Michalek comes back?


...other reports suggest he isn't that far away from a return.

God Says No

Registered User
Mar 16, 2012
what about latendresse? is he done for the year? shawn simpson was mentioning something like this on the radio couple days ago.


Don't Hold The Door
Mar 16, 2009
what about latendresse? is he done for the year? shawn simpson was mentioning something like this on the radio couple days ago.

I've said this before but trying to predict a recovery time from a concussion is like trying to accurately predict the weather. We just can't know and this guy has a history so they're going to be extra careful.


Mar 22, 2012
Wait, is it whiplash or a concussion? I've heard both lol.

If you're hearing the same things I'm hearing it's that 'recurring whiplash' effects (the official line) are synonomus with concussion (unofficial internet warrior line). He does have a history of the latter but the official line stays the same. I'd lean towards the internet warriors on this one but can't say for sure.

edit: np lp


Registered User
Aug 5, 2012
its sad to say but players like latendresse, michalek, regin, injuries are part of their game just like their actual hockey attributes. having players like that can be good when theyre on and playing but when theyre out it can really hurt a team and theyre more likely to get injured compared to other players. might be time to start moving on on some of them.


DJ Dorion
Jun 29, 2008
Montreal, Canada
wow, I've never seen a team so snakebitten

- Alfie's post on the backhand
- Brodeur barely stops Daugavins chance just after
- Zack Smith chance that hit Kovalchuk's skate with an empty net
- Chris Neil save a point blank shot with his face in front of the Devils net
- Another shot deflected by Neil in the 2nd, just came an inch off the post
- Silfverberg post on perfect shot
- Silfverberg point blank chance, couldn't get the shot off because of a stick

That was just for the first half of the game... Brodeur has been good and lucky however we still pull off the win but with a little bit of puck luck we should be able to score a bit more. Good news is they create chances

Like there's a forcefield on the goal-line or something...

This. I was thinking exactly the same thing lol


Had to watch the game PVRed again last night but here's my GDT analysis. There's a lot of gems lol

Some people might wonder why I am doing this. I like to challenge people's opinions that are based on nothing (sometimes I just acknowledge comments too, so don't automatically worry if your post is quoted!). Nothing could be bias, hate or whatever that doesn't make any sense (purely irrational). I'm (desperately) trying to make people "raise" their level of posting and reflexion process thought. I know it might not work with a lot of people, but at least I'm hopeful it helps a bit.

Oh, and yeah, there's all the facts too. So many things are simply not true or exaggerated. Needs to be rectified

Nothing my point was it would allow a Gryba to develope further in bingo..

lol I didn't comment on your thousand of "questionnable" posts but this one catched my attention

Eric Gryba is soon 25 years old.


Now or never for Gryba, if he can't make a rebuilding team full of injuries, then...

Turris won a faceoff!!!!!!

Not sure what you are talking about... Turris is 50.4% on the year

What an ignorant post. In fact I've come to agreement with many Colorado fans on a trade for O'Reilly: Zibanejad, Wierchioch and our 3rd for O'Reilly and O'Brien. You could of course take the stick out of your ass.

With that return, O'Reilly better be a high end player

He was playing well in Binghamton this year, he had one bad outing and the fans on the board were trashing him.

lol the Bishop bashing after 1 bad game (was unlucky on several goals too) was one of the most ridiculous things I have seen on HF and God knows how much crap I have seen. Bishop has been solid or good in +90% of his Sens organization games. Difficult to ask more.

It shows you how much biased some people can be and would do anything to "fill up their agenda"

He definitely doesn't have the intensity he's known for. It's hard to single him out though because the whole team is slower, passing poorly, shooting poorly and defending averagely.

I don't know how much credibility we can put on people's opinion around here

Defend averagely?

They are 2nd in GA per game in the while NHL, with 1.88 GA while the Elite Chicago team has 1.87 GA...

If they're so bad offensively and defensively, how come they outchance the opposition and still have a positive differential despite being totally decimated by injuries? They're missing 4 of their best 9 forwards (and their best 2) and their best 2 D-men, particulary two top-25 players in the league.

This is the most pathetic hockey I've ever seen. This is full on panic mode for this team. We can barely generate a scoring chance let alone score enough goals to win. Murray needs to pull the trigger and bring in players who can at least keep this team respectable. We wouldn't even win in the ahl with this amateur roster.

If there's anything pathetic, it's this post. We just won vs one of the very best teams in the NHL.

And we have been outchancing other teams all season (check below).


200-184 in the first 12 games (153-135 at ES), and the trend somewhat continues in the following games :

20-17 vs BUF (10-11 at ES)
14-16 vs PIT (10-10 at ES)
12-10 vs TOR (9-8 at ES)
11-15 vs NJ (9-9 at ES)

Not bad for a rebuilding team missing at least 50% of its talent. If you can't adjust your expectations... then I have no idea what to tell you but reality might be something abstract to you

Exaggerate??? What have you been watching for the last 2 games? They can barely string together a couple of passes. Most chances in the offensive zone die right away. We can't sustain any pressure and our guys can't hit the net when they shoot. Not to mention were playing more rookies than anybody should play at the NHL level. What's to exaggerate?


holy cow sample size batman...

After already missing Cowen and Spezza, then Regin and Latendresse, they just lost Karlsson and Michalek. I think they need a bit of time to adjust, 50% of the actual line-up has less than 100 NHL games experience and another 28% has between 100 & 300 NHL games...

Try to compute that with your brain.

They have generated a lot of scoring chances & had the best of the play in the 2nd period, they just haven't finished. What's with all the whining?

We have a very young and immature fanbase... That's all I can come up with

Sens are doing very well under the circumstances. You'd have to be freaking blind to not see this.

I actually think they will not lose enough to have a top-5 pick. So prepare to be disappointed tankers (I think a 5-10 pick is very possible though)

Did we just win in a shootout?

Quoting this post but there was several like this... I don't know why people act like we never win a shootout

Sens are 14-15 since the 2009-10 season

4-6 in 2008-09
3-5 in 2007-08
2-6 in 2006-07
2-6 in 2005-06

They struggled the first few years but it has been improving since, to the point that we're near 0.500 now... I think we can put that urban legend to rest.
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2012
The only thing more annoying than the whining is the whining about whining. The whining about the whining about whining comes third. ;)

I am happy the team is not playing dead and getting the most out of what they have. It's what I expected. Don't think we'll finish with a to 5 draft pick either.

Xspyrit said:
20-17 vs BUF (10-11 at ES)
14-16 vs PIT (10-10 at ES)
12-10 vs TOR (9-8 at ES)
11-15 vs NJ (9-9 at ES)

That sir, is a downward trend. You'd have to be blind not to see it. Concern will be warranted until the pucks start going in, IMO.


Registered User
May 7, 2003
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Very impressed with the heart the team showed. They could have folded after the early goal the Devils scored but they didnt.

This is going to be how we are going to have to win. Keep it close and pop a goal or two.

Loved Silfverberg's snipe. I can see him being a real asset in the regular season as a shootout specialist.

Very impressed with Gryba so far too. Big and a good skater. Depth guy but someone I would definitely pencil into the roster next season, provided this play keeps up.

Bishop had an awesome game - this is important, not only to help us win, but he's one real piece of trade bait we have to use.

Im still convinced we are heading for the bottom due to lack of scoring, but I'm very impressed that the team continues to be competitive. :handclap:


DJ Dorion
Jun 29, 2008
Montreal, Canada
The only thing more annoying than the whining is the whining about whining. The whining about the whining about whining comes third. ;)

But the whining about the whining of the whining of the original whining is even worse IMO. :sarcasm:

That sir, is a downward trend. You'd have to be blind not to see it. Concern will be warranted until the pucks start going in, IMO.


- Outchanced Buffalo (easy win)
- Slightly outchanced by Pittsburgh (healthy elite team)
- Outchanced Toronto (playoff team, for now! :lol:)
- Outchanced by NJ (healthy top team in the East) but equal at ES. Special teams sucked but Bishop was there

You have to consider quality of competition

Hard to see a trend in such a small sample size, just 4 games. I realize I worded it poorly but english is not my 1st langage and I can't invest more time in hockey (which is back to unreasonable because of lockout starving, have to adjust). I meant we are staying "even" despite being decimated by injuries and facing better teams

Our PP is really struggling but that's life without Karlsson, Spezza, Michalek and to a lesser extent Cowen, Regin and Latendresse.


Mar 22, 2012

- Outchanced Buffalo (easy win)
- Slightly outchanced by Pittsburgh (healthy elite team)
- Outchanced Toronto (playoff team, for now! :lol:)
- Outchanced by NJ (healthy top team in the East) but equal at ES. Special teams sucked but Bishop was there

X...any update on how we did against the Isles porous D re: chances? Where do you find this stuff BTW? ty


DJ Dorion
Jun 29, 2008
Montreal, Canada
X...any update on how we did against the Isles porous D re: chances? Where do you find this stuff BTW? ty

No it's on

It's about time someone does this... I think the NHL should have done this already, gives fans a better idea of what goes on rather than just shots

Like I thought, as it was probably their worst game of the season (at least since the injuries piled up) they got dominated... Chances were 20-13 for the Isles (17-8 at ES!)

Isles had something to prove though, as they lost 7-0 to the Flyers the day before...


Mar 22, 2012
No it's on

It's about time someone does this... I think the NHL should have done this already, gives fans a better idea of what goes on rather than just shots

Like I thought, as it was probably their worst game of the season (at least since the injuries piled up) they got dominated... Chances were 20-13 for the Isles (17-8 at ES!)

Isles had something to prove though, as they lost 7-0 to the Flyers the day before...

Thanks X, I actually found that by sheer dumb luck earlier today.:laugh:

Does not inspire confidence long term but they found a way to make it work somehow.


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