In 2023..
WSR - 1 Goal, 25 shots against. 1/1 PK, PP 0/1
ER - 2 Goals, 27 shots against, 3/4 PK, 1/5 PP
PBO - 2 Goals, 28 shots against, 2/2 PK, 2/2 PP
KGN - 5 Goals, 28 shots against, 2/2 PK, 2/4 PP.
OTT - 2 Goals, 27 shots against, 6/6 PK, 0/3 PP
ER - 3 Goals, 19 shots against, 3/4 PK, 1/3 PP
KIT - 2 Goals, 17 Shots against, 2/2 PK, 2/8 PP
SSM -2 Goals, 32 shots against, 1/1 PK, 0/1 PP
SAG - 2 Goals, 22 shots against, 4/4 PK, 3/4 PP
In total: 9 games, 21 Goals against (2.3 per game),225 shots against which is 25 per game. Their 24/26 (92.3%) on the PK & 11/31 (35.4%) on the PP.
They've actually only allowed an impressive 13 5on5 Goals against in those 9 games & only 16 (5on5/4on5/4n4) goals in that time. It's been our own damn PP that's allowed 4 SHG! Lol.
So there's a ton to be encouraged with on the defensive side of the puck. Including our goalies who've been really good in January boasting a 0.933 sv%!