Again changing the point that was made. There is a difference b/t saying what I am saying and what you are saying. I understand complaining and criticizing the actual results and moves but I see too many complaints that are not based on reality and instead are based seemingly on some kind of fantasy. I don't think a team should be expected to compete for a cup every single year. I don't think "winning the cup/championship" should be the only way to evaluate a professional sports team. Those expectations are wholly unrealistic.
I think a team that built a strong pipeline WHILE playing meaningful hockey every year is a team that is being well assembled. Especially considering that strategy led to 11-12. Clearly it was done right but some folks will insist that it was wrong b/c we didn't win a cup so nothing matters.
See, that's all well and good, but you're choosing to set the bar low. In reality, our expectation on this side of the fence is far more aligned with the reality of how this management group operates. If they're going to be in "win now mode" and send off valuable trade assets such as first round picks, then we expect them to make INFORMED and LOGICAL decisions. While I don't think a team should compete for a cup every year, this management group DOES seem to think that way.
That 'strategy' may have led to a successful season in 11-12, but it only took 30 days to strip that team down and re-shuffle the roster. They set the team back. You can't say, "The strategy worked!" and cite that one particular season, but completely ignore the fact that the team looks NOTHING like that team and that management took what was a successful squad and turned it into a borderline playoff team in a matter of weeks.