I'm 100% in for either. I knew he was a nice player, but I had no idea Tatar's chart was that strong (82 GP!). He'd be key while Quinn is out, then a versatile piece after he comes back.
Nice summary. I think the Savoie concern is more "will he be able to get to the dangerous spots that make him effective" than physicality and speed, as he's sturdy and fast, but maybe we mean the same things. I think we'll see his 9 game segment to help fill in for Quinn, then who knows.
I'd love to slide Kulich's ELC one more time since it would be such a cap hack moving forward. But with a couple injuries it could get tricky with our forward depth after Quinn (and with Kulich's apparent expectations of NHL time this year). I imagine Rousek and maybe Rosen are ahead of him in the call-up order, but one more NHL piece like Nosek or Tatar would help keep him under 10.