Barkov Stanley cup champ!
I didn't mean he should actually speak it. Even I can put up some sentences in my head but probably I wouldn't want to say anything or ask anything. It is so easy to misunderstand.When you say "should know how to SPEAK English", I disagree. It's super easy to avoid to speaking English, it happens naturally.
What he definitely should know is how to read and understand English, that you can't avoid. But that doesn't help in an interview like this. But speaking especially for Finns is a different ballgame. You can't just study/hear/read it, you need to actually speak it a lot to get comfortable. And that's something that often takes moving to a place where it's spoken everyday.
A Finn could have a perfect vocabulary in English and still can't be able to speak English coherently. Such different languages. Completely different from Swedes.
I meant something like if he understands he could speak some words or something, didn't mean he should actually speak it well. I've been always terrible in English at school and I hated speaking it. Even writing is still quite difficult. I think what I said was just wrongly written when I thought actually in my head and even writed in Finnish that I didn't think him not speaking English in the interview is worrying or surprising when even I know we don't actually speak English that much at school.
I am sorry if my point came out wrong.
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