So basically the guys that play in the NHL or were leaning that way stayed out.... Could be some fairly awful things were being said during the game and the disrespect was enough they left. Those barbs might not have been tossed at the guys they consider their peers. I mean that is complete speculation but while everyone is demonizing the Russians not sticking around, could be when the stories start to break on this in the future you hear some not so flattering things about what was happening within the game by Team Canada on the sportsmanship front.
So while everyone sharpens their knives or there it will be acceptable gamesmanship as an excuse, some might want to slow down. I don't think this story will continue forever without at least one comment on why they left the ice.
I suspect the Russians will remain the villains throughout much of this. Remember this when I was still young and watched the NBA with the Pistons and Bulls. The Pistons who were not a likable team to begin with for many, but they had their reasons for doing it and a ton of it had to do with the nature with which Chicago and Jordan carried themselves in the press and during the games. By the time it came they didn't think they were owed that honor and made a point of not giving it to them.