Again, that's not what an appeal to authority is.That's exactly what an appeal to authority is lol. You are appealing to the authority in the matter, assuming they are fair, just and correct, when we have tons examples to the contrary. I don't give a shit what the league calls it when TB or VGK do it, especially when as soon as there was whispers we might, the league said they were going to watch our situation very closely, hinting that it's suddenly a problem for them.
The NHL head office decides how the league is run, they are the rule-makers. If the NHL decides that Duncan Keith's cap circumventing contract recapture penalties doesn't apply after a trade to the Oilers, then they don't. If the NHL decides that Neal's goal count will be prorated, then Neal scored 20 goals instead of 19. When they tell the GMs that the LTIR loophole is legal, that is not their opinion because I think they are fair, just, or correct - that is the law of the NHL until they decide otherwise.