WWE: Royal Rumble Part III

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M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
This was a great show too before they botched the finish.

KO/Dean tore the roof down. Tag match was entertaining and New Day legit got a Trombone over. ADR/Kalisto was a botch fest but a decent piss break match.

Women were fun (ending kind of made Becky look stupid), but was redeemed by Sasha FINALLY being the Boss on the main roster.

Rumble started with a lot of promise. AJ coming out was awesome, but it fell apart as the match left on.

Some really hot stare downs that I hope they follow up on, but some its clear they won't (Bray/HHH being the definite one). They used KO pretty perfectly as everything he was doing was gold and it was basically the only way to get AJ out of the match without killing the crowd (and Sami was the only way to get KO out without killing the crowd).

Just do something new though. Crowd was so hot for all these guys not named Roman or HHH. Push some of them.

It was the best Rumble show, and match, they've had in the past few years.

The Rumble match was pretty good but it all fell apart at the end, not just because of the result, but it just all went to hell for some reason right around the time Lesnar got eliminated. Then, when Wyatt was eliminated, there was no saving it.

Balls Mahoney

2015-2016 HF Premier League World Champion
Aug 14, 2008
That AJ Styles introduction was my favorite one since Jericho debuted in WWE. The opening notes of the southern church organ followed by the entire arena losing their ****ing minds. Oh man, that was my mark out moment of the night.

The Lunatic Fridge

why is my name here?
Aug 20, 2008
New York
One thing that i thought was AMAZING in the rumble were all the fake eliminations on the outside ropes.

The one with Ziggler and Triple H was cool. Sold the kick like a champ and ziggler sold the "Clap" perfectly.

Neville throwing out Styles like he was about to toss him across the ramp was pretty good also.

The Lunatic Fridge

why is my name here?
Aug 20, 2008
New York
See AJ's hype when he came in. Imagine if they did Balor Club tonight? God what a missed opportunity. Cash in at Fastlane Vince.

Balor doesn't even want to be on the main roster. Not happening.

Even if against his will, He won't come up until after WM. That seems to be the standard.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
It was the best Rumble show, and match, they've had in the past few years.

The Rumble match was pretty good but it all fell apart at the end, not just because of the result, but it just all went to hell for some reason right around the time Lesnar got eliminated. Then, when Wyatt was eliminated, there was no saving it.

Oh ya. Only the triple threat last year holds a candle to the card this year.

The Rumble match, especially the first half was pretty good. It started great. It stumbled when Roman did his stretcher job as Kofi got eliminated and we didn't know how because we were watching that garbage.

It picked up when he left has the Wyatt's started to dominate, KO, Sami, Dean etc came in and got some really solid stare downs and spots. Brock came and did what Brock does and destroy ****, Miz was hilarious on commentary.

Then Brock eliminated all the Wyatts so Bray came in alone, but they came back in and Brock's elimination was...weird. It just came off as weak, and Brock's reaction made no sense. He just took it and left. Why didn't he go ballistic since he legit got screwed by 3 guys he already eliminated?

Why didn't the rest of the Wyatt's stay to help Bray? That whole portion didn't make sense. Then the match went down the obvious route we didn't want it to go down. Sheamus, Roman wakes up, HHH. Slight surprise that Roman went out before the end, but it was a work to put heat on HHH by going up against Dean who is actually over (HHH still got a pop for eliminating Roman).

So ya better then the utter disasters that was the past two years, but in the end still bad because of the result.

The Roman Rumble trilogy sucks.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Balor doesn't even want to be on the main roster. Not happening.

Even if against his will, He won't come up until after WM. That seems to be the standard.

He changed his mind. He has been on the Bullet Club bandwagon hardcore (and its not going to be a NXT angle, its to big) and one of his new year's resolutions is to become WWE champ.

He wants up, just in the main event right away.


Belie Dat!
Jul 15, 2011
The worst part was when they played a recap of the beatdown during the match. It's like they were worried people would forget about Roman if they didn't show him on screen for 20 minutes.

And lord knows they couldn't actually have him work for 60 minutes.


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
Oh ya. Only the triple threat last year holds a candle to the card this year.

The Rumble match, especially the first half was pretty good. It started great. It stumbled when Roman did his stretcher job as Kofi got eliminated and we didn't know how because we were watching that garbage.

It picked up when he left has the Wyatt's started to dominate, KO, Sami, Dean etc came in and got some really solid stare downs and spots. Brock came and did what Brock does and destroy ****, Miz was hilarious on commentary.

Then Brock eliminated all the Wyatts so Bray came in alone, but they came back in and Brock's elimination was...weird. It just came off as weak, and Brock's reaction made no sense. He just took it and left. Why didn't he go ballistic since he legit got screwed by 3 guys he already eliminated?

Why didn't the rest of the Wyatt's stay to help Bray? That whole portion didn't make sense. Then the match went down the obvious route we didn't want it to go down. Sheamus, Roman wakes up, HHH. Slight surprise that Roman went out before the end, but it was a work to put heat on HHH by going up against Dean who is actually over (HHH still got a pop for eliminating Roman).

So ya better then the utter disasters that was the past two years, but in the end still bad because of the result.

The Roman Rumble trilogy sucks.

Your point about Brock's reaction and not coming back in is spot on. That's why it was weird. The dude doesn't need any reason to be pissed off. He's an ass kicker, if you recall his promos. Eliminated individuals threw him out. You would think the Beast would have fire in his eyes and just start murdering people.

Instead.. he just walks back. Stops for a second... then walks back. ALmost as if he were just a regular guy.


Jun 27, 2014
One thing that i thought was AMAZING in the rumble were all the fake eliminations on the outside ropes.

The one with Ziggler and Triple H was cool. Sold the kick like a champ and ziggler sold the "Clap" perfectly.

Neville throwing out Styles like he was about to toss him across the ramp was pretty good also.

I enjoyed Neville's one handed saves twice during the rumble


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Your point about Brock's reaction and not coming back in is spot on. That's why it was weird. The dude doesn't need any reason to be pissed off. He's an ass kicker, if you recall his promos. Eliminated individuals threw him out. You would think the Beast would have fire in his eyes and just start murdering people.

Instead.. he just walks back. Stops for a second... then walks back. ALmost as if he were just a regular guy.

And I'm not one who likes the idea of a Bray/Brock program right now, but clearly there was some heat for it when they faced off. Why do it like that?

Brock killing the other 3 Wyatts on his way back gets Brock his heat back, plus it makes their absence for the rest of the match make sense (seriously where did they go? Why not stay and make sure Bray wins?). Hell he maybe should of gotten back in and taken Bray out. I'm not the biggest fan of eliminated guys taking out people in the match spot, but if you are going to do it, keep doing it.

Another weird spot was when Bray got in. I think it was him facing Brock (it could of been HHH, but I can't remember) he did a stare down and backed off trying to work a deal to focus on Roman instead.

Came off as weak and not needed. Don't book a spot where Bray looks like a cowardly heel, especially if you are building a program for him to go up against brock. He needs to look 100% strong.


Jun 27, 2014
But I don't think anyone actually skinned the cat. Neville might of? I just noticed a lot of people going over, but doing the fall to the mat save, instead of pulling back over the ropes.

I think HBK-lite tried ? But botched it
(ie Ziggler)


Reality sucks, Princesses!
Dec 29, 2008
The Rumble match, especially the first half was pretty good. It started great. It stumbled when Roman did his stretcher job as Kofi got eliminated and we didn't know how because we were watching that garbage.

Because his escape from elimination the first time was the bigger thing.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
JBL being sick gave us one of the best calls of the night.

Maggle: "What is R-Truth doing"
JBL: "Maggle...I know what he is doing...but I don't know why" totally deadpan


Registered User
May 19, 2002
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So many missed chances.

If Owens comes out 5 and last till the 20's you have a made star if he is dominant.

Ambrose should have been like 7 and have the owens thing continue.

BROCK should have laid out the Wyatt family outside the ring which could have started a feud. Now it's gonna be weird when Heyman comes out all

Are we
Changing our view to anyone but HHH and reigns now?

AJ styles was booked perfectly except teasing the styles clash cause you know that move is never happening in the wwe

I hate they teased the db return and nothing came of it.

Wyatt and the authority is a money feud (and they know. Teasing it twice now) but it won't happen until reigns is over with the crowd.

Other than the end of the rumble and the lack of suprise entrants other than zayn and styles. It was a good ppv with some solid omg moments, the fishermen hook duplex through the table, barricade cannonball, double table flip(where I forgot about those tables due to the chairs in the middle) and big E catching the jey uso in mid air for the big ending

Forgot about the Rtruth spot. It was funny in a forced kinda way. His face when there was no briefcase was gold thought

Balls Mahoney

2015-2016 HF Premier League World Champion
Aug 14, 2008
It frustrates me that you have arguably the best and most over pro wrestler since the Attitude Era with an insane contract and they're pissing away the tail end of his prime years to keep forcing Roman Reigns on us.

Brock Lesnar feuding against the Wyatts... why? Who cares? The Wyatts are jobbers to the stars. I'm sorry but they are.

Why are they pissing Lesnar away? Put the strap on him for a year or two and just let him murder challengers and put on amazing matches. The problem with Lesnar is believing anyone except maybe two or three guys in the company could legitimately take him in a fight is absurd. Even tonight watching throw around the Wyatts like bean bags makes me wonder why they want to waste a Wrestlemania with that?

But I guess we're going to be forced to Belie' dat.

George Binks

Jul 28, 2012
I personally loved when KO got flipped over the table and kept trying to swipe his hand on Coles face and knocking his glasses off
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