Allow me to retort
The last page or so of this thread is nostalgic and traumatizing.
We need a top-sixer, like Erik Rasmussen.
Jason Holland had better stick work in the offensive zone, he was misused as a defender.
The last page or so of this thread is nostalgic and traumatizing.
We need a top-sixer, like Erik Rasmussen.
What are Patty O'Sullivan and John Zeiler up to these days?
Erik Ersberg is going to be the next Swedish sensation in net.
I met him at SportChalet!
I won't forget him coming in relief of Quick in the 2010 playoffs, then doing so much worse that Terry Murray had to go back to Quick in net. Man was that rough. But hey, they had a future top six forward in the lineup in Scott Parse!
Bring Deadmarsh into the room to teach Brown what a ball sac is suppose to contain.
Wouldn't he just be teaching him about the crippling effects of post-concussion syndrome?* I kid, I kid.
*note: I loved and still love Deader to death; here's hoping he's healthy.
Erseberg was good at first. They just rushed him.
Should reunite Brad Norton and Chris McAlpine on D and slot Esa Pirnes into the third line.
I thought the Kings were done here. I mean really? Win or lose the final this Kings team has made the record book. Love it.
I can't believe no one has mentioned Kevin Dallman yet.