I'm sick off waiting for the next step, it just never comes. Next season they will be once again the youngest team in the league because they will add more rookies to the lineup instead of adding good veterans to finally go from maybe to be. It's just a cycle of hope and no results, while pointing to how young they are. Hoping and praying won't lead to a cup, not demanding the absolute best from everybody involved in the franchise won't get you a cup. Having wanting to be here as the big motto of the team, isn't leading you to a cup. I don't care about the vibes on the time, they can be miserable for all I care as long as they put it all out on the ice every game and call eachother out for being trash. I don't think Granato is the answer, we need more from the coach. Look what other coaches get out of much less talented teams. This franchise needs someone to bring in someone that instills a culture of demanding excellence and a winning one. Being buddies isn't working.