I just feel like any time i actually stop to read these boards lately theres some sort of non-hockey related politically charged BS, which brings out the nuts every time. In many ways these boards read quite similarly to Facebook lately and it’s incredibly frustrating to see. Back when there was actual back and forth about rumors that the vetted guys would bring I feel like there may have been some incentive to participate in conversation. Nowadays its just guys defending Tony D, crapping all over euro prospects for wanting to be treated better, and making subtle quips about vax mandates. There is an incessant amount of degenerates and degenerate behavior on these boards that have just made them unreadable outside of vetted posters and a handful of other guys that I have been reading for like 9 years now. I understand that the usual response is “if you dont like it then leave” so thats basically what I did. No use to complain or argue with strangers on the internet, i turn 23 tomorrow it is absolutely time to put being an idiot on the internet behind me lol. In response to your initial point about holding info over out heads I will say this, we are not entitled to anything, and these guys have very delicate relationships with sources. Close to the deadline every bit of news has an effect on pricing and negotiations, for them to just funnel information to us because we like it would be reckless and disrespectful to their friends/contacts that trust them with said information. It makes for fun debate, but it really is not their responsibility to keep us in the loop.