I think this conversation kind of highlights the point in my life I'm at.
I love hockey and really enjoy it. It gave me a great sport to play as a kid, launched my career, and many projects still take me in and out of the sport. But it's not the most important thing in my life.
And the truth is, I've spent a lot of time around people with major things going on and so it gives you perspective. Be it one's ability to support their family, or health, or other issues, those are things that have major impacts on life.
The things we're talking about here are unfortunate, or a pain, but they're not crises. They're just not.
Zucc may be disappointed, but in the grand scheme of things, this particular situation isn't really an adversity. It's an experience, it's an unpleasant experience, but it's not an adversity that must be overcome as life and livelihood hang in the balance.
Next week, Zucc may wake up in a different city, in a hotel room or apartment he is renting, and he'll still get paid, and he'll still do what he loves, and he'll still have his health. He won't worry about which utility bill to pay, he won't figure out he's going to eat, he won't have to calculate how much unemployment will pay him, or how to put clothes on his kid, or even what school they will be attending.
Zucc will be more okay than most people who have ever walked on this planet's soil.