This all or nothing attitude has become pervasive on our boards and it’s making them less enjoyable. It’s a lot like the eye test vs analytics divide. Some despise analytics. Some think they are the only thing that matters (in which case we could probably just sim the season based off last years stats). No 4N wasn’t NHL hockey and isn’t a GOOD indicator of individual player’s value or ability. It’s also silly to say you should take NOTHING away from it.
@NickyFotiu isn’t at all wrong in saying “after observing best on best hockey, I don’t feel like OUR best really match up well against THE best”. I’m sure that observation is coupled with his extensive watching of NHL hockey and the past few years playoffs and what the most competitive teams look like. The superior dismissiveness with which everyone’s begun addressing each other is so smug and so detestable it’s made these boards much less than they once were. Everyone has to be so f***ing superior and advanced in their thinking and constantly dismissing each other out of hand. “Ha, 4N wasn’t REAL hockey… only a fool would draw conclusions from that”. But
@NickyFotiu clearly isn’t a fool and has been posting here forever. Why are you addressing him like he’s some dumb know nothing who just made his first post? His opinion is obviously supplemented by his years of watching us and the overall conclusions he has drawn. And he isn’t wrong. Our best doesn’t really stack up with THE best. That’s somehow controversial when other people say it, but the same people who shit on it when someone else posts it UNDOUBTEDLY have a dozen or two posts saying how badly we suck over the past 12 months as well. So we only suck when it’s in the way and in accordance with the opinions that you posit. When people stop being hypocritical, dismissive shits to one another, I’ll be a lot more like the Loki you guys used to like. A lot of you have become really arrogant and ugly lately (I am aware that I have as well, but it has been an intentional shift to show you how much you hate it when someone else does it). Cut it out.