Maybe I’m confused about what “moving the goal posts” means, but me saying ‘why do we have so many NMCs’ (which was never actually what I said, just how you’re representing it - read on before a response, please? I’m being fairly calm, polite and rational) and being answered with a generalization about all clauses, and then following back with ‘great, I asked about NMCs’ is very, very literally me keeping the goal posts firmly in place. It was also, from my very first post, ‘why aren’t we getting better salary suppression out of the NMCs we hand out since we’re also a place so many players WANT to play’. Other posters who didn’t want to answer the ACTUAL question I asked came back with responses like “we have a normal number of clauses” which led to the “okay, but I was specifically asking about NMCs” side quest that took place. I’ll let you go look - MY first post on the topic was very clearly “if we’re such a desired place to play, why don’t we get as much bargaining power out of the NMCs we hand out compared to other teams who are supposedly less desirable destinations”. It was never unclear. The responses were conflated, the question never changed. Maybe one of the reasons I get so abrasive is that when I ask a very clear question, I get condescending answers that aren’t actually addressing the question.
When I say “if NY is such a destination, why don’t we do a better job exchanging NMCs for better AAVs, as in the case of some other franchises” and someone dismissively says “we have a normal number of (all) clauses” in response, maybe that’s why my subsequent responses get more and more agitated. You’re (not you) mischaracterizing my entire question and acting like you just gave me the most obvious answer in the world, like I shouldn’t have even been silly enough to ask it. I never asked how the number of total clauses on our roster compared to other teams… your (not yours) answer is completely irrelevant, and yet I’m being characterized as the dumb one when you (not you) aren’t even displaying reading comprehension with the response you’ve given. It’s sort of annoying.
Also, Full-NTC or NMC, Buch is a good example of teams getting salary suppression on a good player. No one has even attempted to explain how Fox (saying it’s a good contract -
which it is, I’ve stated that, and it’s aging well with a rising cap - but it’s not RELEVANT to the question I’m asking or the discussion of the moment in time that it was signed) only wanting to play in NY and getting a half million bump over the only comparable player at the time is a discount. What was Fox going to do? Sign somewhere else? And then what? Demand a trade to NY?
Fox’s contract might be fair, but there’s no salary suppression or discount at all. Slavin is a star player giving his team a deal because he wants to be there in exchange for security. Again, I’m not criticizing Fox or even saying that his contract isn’t great value now. I’m not trying to say he’s some jerk for not giving us a huge discount like Slavin did. I’m only discussing whether DRURY effectively negotiates the best deals. That’s all. I’m not picking on any of our favorite players. I’m not saying Fox is overpaid or doesn’t deserve or isn’t worth the cap hit. I’m just saying with quite a bit of leverage at his disposal, did Drury REALLY get any salary suppression? We’ll get to Trochek in a second.
Igor’s contract is an abortion. And as far as Trochek goes? As I said previously, the SAME posters saying he gave us a discount today were saying “gross, the term is insane, I hope there’s no NMC” when the deal was signed. No one expected him to come here and have 2 career years. Saying it’s a steal now is PURE revisionist history when he was coming off of a 51 point aeason when we signed him.
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That’s your first post in the Trochek signing thread. Here’s some from our friends:
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And a pretty rational one from some idiot:
View attachment 986068