I've stated all of this multiple times before, but in a nutshell (and off the top of my head):
I think game plans shift to accentuate the abilities and styles of those players.
I think it almost certainly impacts usage, and ice time sooner rather than later.
I believe it has a high probability of leading to deployments that "don't mess with what's working."
I think it reduces the margin of error for younger players.
I think it prompts us to seek out moves that compliment those star players, rather than seeing how things develop organically.
I don't think it's enough to life us into the playoffs, but I do think it's enough to put us into that dreaded middle ground for next season and possibly the year after. And yeah, I'm not going to lie, with where this team is right now, I think having another top 5 picks is more beneficial over the long run than "pushing" things and finishing 14th or 15th in 2020. I don't even factor the lottery into that opinion.