Patience seems to be lacking here. Deals will be made when the right deal is available.
A lot of posters have said they are on board with this rebuild, and yet many still seem to not have understood what is going on here. It’s going to sound like I’m patting myself on the back, but, as one of the few posters who actually expected this team to be as bad as they are, I feel somewhat vindicated. I kept pointing out the deficiencies of this squad and why they would be this bad, and yet posters would say Henke won’t let them bottom out, and AV no longer being here will make them better, and that we should disregard the fact that from January 1 on last year, they had the worst record in the league. And, now that we’re here in this place, things need to happen. Some of us have been saying this is not going to be an easy process, and there is no guarantee it will work out in the end. And, while I’m one of the older posters on this board, I have been fully in favor of this approach. But one thing I have always noticed in my years of fandom is that most fans are an impatient bunch. Be it the opening night roster, the trade deadline or July 1, things need to happen yesterday. The McDonagh deal was supposed to be an immediate win, or Gorton got fleeced by Yzerman. Zuccarello needed to be traded at the deadline or Gorton blew it.
I know this rebuild is going to wear a lot of people down. But, truth is, we are still in the beginning phase of what is going to take place.
I'm going to sound like a jerk here, but it is what it is.
A lot of people have opinions about hockey, but not all opinions are equal. Not all of them are as informed, or experiences, or level-headed, or simply as well thought out. In that sense, it's really no different than every day life. However, there's a sense of empowerment for a lot of people on the internet. There's not the same sense of social restraint that takes place in face-to-face settings, and as a result you see a lot of really outlandish comments.
This team is a rebuilding team and one that is going to have spurts where it looks better than it is, and spurts where it looks worse than it is. But when all is said and done, the odds are heavily stacked towards this being a particularly poor team --- as in bottom 5 in the league.
We don't have a ton of a 21-23 year old talents, and so we are going to have to wait for the 18-20 year olds to mature and come along. I truly believe we do not give enough consideration to just how young our prospects are. This is going to take time. Unfortunately, patience is not a virtue in a society that continues to barrel towards the drug of instant gratification.
As you said, there are also no guarantees. Rebuilds don't come with crystal balls, or warranties, or save files so that one can reload from an earlier point in time and "get it right."
Rebuilds are risky, they involve trading the known for the unknown, and they require as much luck as they do brilliance. The difference between building around Hughes or not could very well come down to a lottery ball taking the right bounce, at the right time.
The Rangers will always have the advantage of being an attractive destination for free agents, so the comparisons to some other markets just isn't accurate at all.
Will the draft process be our savior? No, it will not.
But it does hold the potential to give us the best corps of young talent that this franchise has seen since around 1991.
I also have yet to anyone propose an alternative solution that is actually workable over the long haul.