This is an unpopular opinion, but I don't care.
Kudos to Trouba for putting family first. Kudos to Trouba for saying his wife's career is just as important, if not more so, than his. Kudos to Trouba for recognizing that his career is finite while his wife's career is lifelong. From day 1 here, Trouba has been forthright in telling everyone where his priorities are. Kudos to Trouba for sticking to his contractual rights.
In any labor dispute, I always (always) side with the workers, even though those workers might be millionaires. Many would say that team loyalty should come first. But we all know that management, as is their right, will trade or dump players without regard to the fact that they are dealing with human beings. Management has no loyalty.
Of course, as a Rangers fan, I recognize that the team would be better served with an upgrade on defense. Of course, I know that he is not worth the money we pay him (though, if he were gone guaranteed at the trading deadline we would be moaning the fact that we need to be more physical. Of course, I know that his contract prevented us from being more active in pursuing free agents.
But, to me, those concerns are secondary to knowing that Trouba has integrity and values that put his family and his wife first. Those are values I live my life by (BTW, I met my future wife going to a Ranger playoff game in 1970).
So more kudos to Trouba. Though I might criticize his on-ice play, my respect for him as a human being has increased over the last week.