I started typing basically the same thing, but you said it.
Bern, you mean well. A lot of the times your premise is agreeable, but the details can go off the rails.
NMC's = Bad
We all agree.
We miss out on Panarin in 2019 because the Isles offered more PLUS don't have an in-house "zero tolerance policy" if we offer him the same thing but a 30-team NTC instead of the NMC. It's about being judicious.
nice that we all agree on NMCs = bad, but dirty work of being nagging cheerleader to do something about it usually rests w/bern. Would love to share that burden if anybody else wants to step up and be real about it.
But being real about that means being tough when you have to.
Yeah, bread is earning his bread now, less so past coupla yrs.
If there were no cap -- which has to stretch across all team needs-- then yeah, it's Dolan's $$$, who gives a rat's ass. But reality check; there IS cap! And it impacts what gets done across the roster. And the more too much is given to one guy, that much less is available elsewhere.
I have no prob w/what we gave Panarin esp remembering when that deal was made and the state of the team EXCEPT for the ironclad NMC.
Roster flexibility is an asset, and either nmcs are there to weaken team position, or they are not.
I get you pushing Panarin as worthwhile even w/his hit.
That's fair.
But what you overlook is the issue of opportunity cost.
One bread at 11.6+ <<< 3 Chytils at 4ish per ea.
It is way more than 4 guys. Sorry the vast majority of us just don't reply.
Not saying I do not enjoy your posts but you are way to full of it.
Can't allow that false narrative to go unchecked.
There is a small handful that disagrees with me about virtually everything regarding anything, hence "water is/is not wet".
That does not mean to say that everyone else automatically agrees with me, particularly completely so, on any given subject. I find that agree/disagree varies with my content on the subject, and that is how it should be -- for all of us. We are all best served when there is an honest competition of ideas, and not a slavish capitulation to herd mentality to be accepted.
As to being "way to[o] full of it"
I make no apologies for having pushed said competition of ideas, and expressed my opinions with confidence there are usually correct as to the merits, notwithstanding that sometimes if not often all of us must do so in a context of subjective, rather than objective parameters.
That's fine; discussion is good, debate is healthy.
And as noted a few posts above, re: Trouba being rfa not ufa, I am happy to admit being wrong when that actually is the case.
But as there is an inference in your dig as to being "arrogant", which you did not say but someone else did many posts earlier, permit me to retort/clarify:
-- It is 1 thing to announce you hope/believe you have made a hypothetical breakthrough with a theory on how to restructure the international monetary system that would solve upwards of a third of the problems of the world, which needs study.
Even if tooting one's own horn, this is not arrogant.
-- It is another to report that an advisor to 3 US Presidents says we need full academic review prior to validation, but as for a preliminary evaluation, your theory checks out, with no visible errors.
This also is not arrogant.
-- What crosses the line and IS arrogant is to say, ego sum, I AM the basis for this, that "I alone can fix it" to quote a na'er do well we all recognize.
My monetary system may/may not be genius and recognized as such.
But that is intrinsic to the merit of my work, not me, or any other author.
If you, the short order cook in the local greasy spoon, the man in the moon or anyone else had come up with this bright idea, it's content would still have high regard based on merit.
As that relates here, my suggestions/views are what they are, and are/are not flawed based on merit, just like everybody else. And I will continue to push the envelope of thinking outside the box, b'c imo more of that is needed, frankly, to see our beloved Rs improve.
ell the reason I was confused is because your post is phrased in a way where it looks like you want to shed these players in general, more than it being about some specific target(s). I don’t always agree with your, or anyone else’s, trade proposals, but when it’s about a specific target or targets I at least understand the reasoning. This post just seemed like “we need to get rid of these players while we can.” Which I totally disagree with. Laf especially I wouldn’t be LOOKING to trade, like people want to get rid of Trouba or Lindy…
Not saying anyone is untouchable just that I wouldn’t be LOOKING to trade these three.
Fair enuf -- just wait for me to finalize pls.
Tho sometimes there is "addition by subtraction" rarely do I go w/let's just get rid of a guy. I am famously vs coke for pepsi if no profit. Pt of making deals is realize gain in one area or another.
People can peacock about this team and the current standings all they want.
I still see a team that:
- doesn't like to carry the puck between the dots
- doesn't react well when their time and space is taken away
- doesn't hold the defensive blue line well against skilled puck carriers.
- almost always is looking for the royal road pass rather than the shot.
I don't think that will translate in the playoffs.
I hope I'm wrong. But that's what I see.
honest observations, hopefully not insurmountable