I am interested to see how terms impact perception on here though.
I suspect that how high people are willing to go might be creeping up a little.
Most everyone doesn't want to go 7x7.
But I'm not sure what started out as a desire to go 6x5 hasn't become 6x6, 6.5x5, 6.5x6, or maybe even 6.75x 5 or 6.75 x6.
I don't have any indication that the Rangers stance has changed, but it would be interesting to compare notes from 6-8 months ago and see if contract creep has occurred on the board.
Concepts that creep into conversations are always interesting to me. It's kind of like the fable about frogs and boiling water --- if you throw the frog into water that is already boiling, it jumps out, but if you turn up the temperature gradually it dies. It's strictly a metaphor, but I think there's truth to it.
All of us are prone to that, both as individuals and as collectives. The terms of a deal keep creeping up, or maybe the list of "have to" guys keeps expanding. You don't notice over a short enough window, but it starts to emerge as your expand the timeframe.