TBN: RJ Diagnosed with Throat Cancer; now cancer-free & will call 1st period Nov 15


Registered User
Mar 25, 2011

Buffalo Sabres broadcasting legend Rick Jeanneret has been diagnosed with throat cancer.

In a telephone interview Tuesday, the 71-year-old member of multiple Halls of Fame said he had a biopsy three weeks ago in Canada and was told two weeks ago that a golf ball-sized growth in his throat was malignant.

Jeanneret, who has been broadcasting Sabres games either on radio or television for 43 years, expects to have radiation treatment for six or seven weeks and possibly chemotherapy. His doctors in Hamilton, Ont., have told him that it is stage III cancer and that he has an 85 percent chance of recovery. He is meeting with them again Thursday.

“I would like to stress I have every intention of coming back,†said Jeanneret. “I have probably three months ahead of me that aren’t going to be fun. I know they aren’t going to be.â€

He said his return to do play-by-play is “open-ended.â€

Says he'll be back later this year after he recovers, but man.... Eff you cancer. Eff you hard.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2007
New York, NY
Ugh, cancer's serious business and puts any time-wasting fandom squabbles into perspective. Get well soon RJ! Article also mentions that all future updates will come through the team and that an email account ([email protected]) has been opened today for fans who want to wish him well.


Registered User
Feb 6, 2012
All to best to him and his family! Hopefully he and his beloved ones will get out of this mess even stronger!

I know how it feels when members of the family are diagnosed with cancer (different types, but similar ********).. It's a hard time for the whole family/friend.

Ethan Edwards

Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
What a gut punch after a great UFA day! RJ is like a member of the family. I will pray for his quick and full recovery. "85% chance" is very encouraging.


Registered User
May 13, 2006
Ah ****. Get well soon, RJ.

Eff cancer. I hope I see that completely eradicated in my lifetime.


Puttin' on the Foil
Sep 25, 2010
Buffalo, NY
This makes me so so so sad.

Age. Stage. Size. Type. Location.

All things are against RJ. God, I hope he beats the odds.


Apr 14, 2012
South Jersey
The Buffalo Sabres are deeply saddened to learn of Rick Jeanneret’s cancer diagnosis. RJ has been a vital part of the Sabres family and the Buffalo community for 43 years and this news undoubtedly weighs heavily on everyone who has had the privilege of listening to his broadcasts through the years.

As he begins treatment in the coming weeks, we will continue to keep RJ, his wife, Sandra, his mother, Kay, his sister, Marcia, his children, Mark and Chris, his stepdaughter, Shelly, and his grandchildren in our thoughts. We wish RJ a full and speedy recovery and know his tenacity will serve him well in his fight.

On behalf of the Jeanneret family, the Sabres are asking for respect of the family’s privacy as RJ undergoes treatment.

The team has also set up a dedicated email address - [email protected] - for fans to send well-wishes and notes of encouragement.


Registered User
Mar 29, 2011
Tough news. Lucky man, though, to have the whole city pulling for him. He'll have no shortage of people wishing him strength.

Glad to hear his odds are so favorable.

original islander

Registered User
Oct 12, 2011
Islanders fan coming in peace. Just want to add my prayers for Rick. Always enjoy his broadcasts on Center Ice. He seems like a really good guy.

My Dad had throat cancer when he was 74 years of age, received radiation treatments and lived until he was 92. His voice was fine and despite my battling with him on a daily basis, he continued smoking for the next 18 years. He was lucky that it was caught in an early stage.

Good luck to RJ for a winning outcome and returned health.


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