Ella Shelton > Ryan Lindgren + it's not even close
When choosing a partner, sex, chemistry, looks, and $ aren't the only things that matter. Trust me, you need more.
The most important things in order:
- Compatible life goals (career/family balance, kids/no kids, settle down/travel, etc.)
- Compatible desired lifestyle (includes work ethic/ambition/worklife balance/urban or rural/etc.)
- Baseline physical attraction (meaning you look at the other person and find them attractive enough)
- Compatible trauma (sorry, everyone has trauma - basically yours and theirs must be compatible/workable). This one's hard - may not find it out for years!
- Compatible love languages (physical affection, flirting, gift giving, compliments, time/attention, service)
- Compatible personality (sense of humor, introvert/extrovert, shared hobbies/interests, willingness to share in partner's hobbies/interests) - note this doesn't mean they match - it means each person matches what the other person is looking for. An introvert and extrovert can work if that's what each of them are looking for!
- Family/friend compatibility
- Physical attraction beyond baseline (meaning if a 7 or better works for you, this is the difference between a 7 and 9).