Let me preface by saying that I am not in any way "good at this" or an expert. But I am a teacher and my job is to read and interpret. So I'm going to do that with what
@Loki Dog 74 said.
He's saying be yourself, and we hear that a lot, so what does that mean? That means, I believe, presenting the package as it is without the games or the tricks. I think you said earlier you don't like the games. I don't either. But a couple of things...
With that last paragraph there's this girl where you're keeping track of how often you talk, trying to not chase, trying to show you're independent, etc. Right there, you're sort of playing a little game to impress the girl or meet the standards that you think will impress her. Sure, there's something be said of not being desperate, but this whole "let me show her I'm too cool for school" ploy is exactly what I think Loki is saying to avoid. And this is also from my experience because I've lost a few girls I hit it off with because I was all like "let me wait to text and be aloof and shit" and it actually got me nowhere.
And then you went on a rant about not wanting to talk to this other girl and it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself it's ok more than anyone. Look, if it's not for you, you don't have to convince anyone or answer to anyone. You just do you, that's what it's all about.
So what I think is -and again, not an expert, just a reader- you're still in this mindset of how to convince women to be attracted and I think what Loki [Loki is the dog but I don't know what else to call you lol] is suggesting is that you get out of that mindset, just put yourself out there 100%, and the right ones will just be attracted.
One of my favorite sayings is by Jim Carrey, and he says: "you can fail at something you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love." And this is coming from an absolute goofball who has always been with attractive women. It's about careers but I think we can apply it here in that, you can do the ploys and what you think they will like, but you can fail with that anyway, so fail while being yourself. The long-term gains will be better. I think that's what Loki was touching upon with the gym post.
And I completely understand where you're coming from. A lot of women like a certain archetype and that ain't me. I get that. But if you're not this cool/alpha/whatever guy, then don't do anything to try and make yourself seem that. It will actually hurt you because being real is more important than being that, especially with your target audience. And this I know because like I said, I've blown good opportunities in retrospect trying to be cool for girls who weren't looking for that. If they were, my spaz ass wouldn't have gotten a date or a phone number to begin with.