Stanley Cup Champs 2024
I think the issue is your entire argument hyper focuses on whoever is getting penalized, be it the guy committing the high stick or the one delivering the hit that makes head contact.
In the case of the stick, there’s no fault for the player getting hit with the stick because a high stick isn’t really something you can prepare for. It just…happens. In a split second.
On the other hand, a body check is something you are always expected to be prepared for given the nature of the game. There are actions players can and do take to avoid putting themselves in vulnerable positions to get hurt from body contact. If Gudas is going for a puck, he is expected to be prepared for getting hit because it’s a legal tactic within the game. You are obviously not expected to be prepared for a stray high stick that is impossible to see coming.
No, my focus is on the arbitrary penalization of unintentional head contacts.
Dude you can get hit in the face unintentionally by an elbow or a shoulder as well in a split second as well. For example look at Eichel…he fell in the last second there and could’ve completely eaten Tkachuk’s arms…
Again, we would agree that Tkachuk would’ve clobbered his face unintentionally there it’s just an unfortunate play. But we would call an automatic penalty if in a similarly unfortunate unintentional play tkachuk would’ve high sticked Eichel….