The fragility of some people.Imagine being the employee who ran to corporate and told on him.
Yeah this is insanely harsh to me. He'd been there for decades and they let him go because he has a disorder and hid between two zambonis in what's said to be an all-male area?I don’t care if he has a disorder or not.
Firing a 50 year employee because he pissed into a drain is absurd.
After reading the article, I'm gonna go out on a limb and hypothesize that the guy who saw him didn't have any ill-intent when he told others about it, and when it got back to the bosses, they used this an excuse to get rid of an expensive, elderly employee who could no longer do his job efficiently.Imagine being the employee who ran to corporate and told on him.
There are some anecdotal testimonies from posters regarding this, but without substantiation, I can't attest to their veracity.That he was initially suspended for a week and then terminated suggests we aren't privy to all the facts here.