Tkachuk Norris
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- Jun 22, 2012
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I find it poor form that you find anything in Miller's behaviour defensible and even claim exaggeration. He showed absolutely no remorse in court and was perceived to be taunting the victim's family after the fact. Clearly you don't know anything about autism and how it affects a family or kids. That poor kid will be traumatized for life I can assure you. This is not some little kid who had his lunch stolen by the schoolyard bully. Meanwhile, you're hoping Miller becomes a millionaire.
Judge slams pair's role in bullying case
Weird hill to die on here Pavel.
The problem with Miller is that at the time and continuing to today, there has been no show of remorse. At all. None..
No, here's the actual problem.
You don't know. Do not act like you know. You and others apparently feel power to claim really serious things about this guy from a personal perspective without knowing a thing.
No one here even pretends they have personal knowledge. They think they can read an internet article or two that doesn't prove what they claim, and then since its the internet and things are anonymous on this website that they can just say anything.
You and others continue to slander this kid. Meanwhile, I take the stance that I don't know. I think it's pathetic to anonymously pour hate on someone on a message board when you don't know the situation. I don't know the guy. Would have to have some personal knowledge or speak with people with close personal knowledge to claim what some of you do. But again, this is the internet nowadays. People get death threats for having differences of opinions. People want an 18 year old kid to suffer in his life because they read something about his behavior from years ago.
And I will absolutely continue to speak my opinion. Don't like it? Thats your issue. I don't care how many of you don't like it. I'd prefer hockey to be discussed, but as long as people want to continue to pour hate into this kid on a personal level, I'll continue to give my opinion on the whole situation.
I don't dispute people's right to an opinion, but no, I am not going to stand for someone personally attacking myself, a stranger on the internet, because they think they are an expert on a situation they don't actually know much about.
My whole point is you’re saying you’ve been attacked when someone said they found your stance “poor form”. That’s not an attack?
Also you know you’re inviting criticism when you post things like “the salt is real” in here. Just immature to do that, get criticized for it, then say you’ve been personally attacked.
(You say you’re not casting aspersions on anyone then in the same breath call people who don’t like the kid due to his actions pathetic- but I digress)
Oh yes, I'm sure all the people who slander this kid and cite anonymous quotes about how he interviewed have personal knowledge of the situation. They'd just rather cite garbage throw away lines than saying they know the kid and can personally speak to his character.
But let's go ahead and give anyone who wants to the chance to speak about this from personal knowledge a chance to do so. If not, we can conclude the silence on that front tells the story.
Here's the thing that you and other slanderers don't realize. I'm not going to back down because you call me names or claim I said things I clearly didn't say. I'm going to be consistent about my beliefs. I don't know the kid. I cannot adequately judge his current character. Neither can the slanderers. Arizona has taken his past behavior into account, and they felt comfortable drafting him. That should be it, and we should now discuss his hockey. What's the problem with that? There shouldn't be any.
Is it not inviting criticism to say you hope an 18 year old fails in life based off speculation about someone's current character? Oh no, apparently it isn't. We now accept things as true until they are proven to be completely false.
You're giving him the benefit of the doubt because Arizona drafted him...
Do we want to look into the ethics around the Arizona Coyotes recently?
Unfortunately for you, his character is part of hockey. Check out Brendan Leipsic's current NHL status if you don't believe me.
You keep saying you don't know the kid and you don't know the story. Maybe you should stop posting in here and do a little homework before you come in here defending his actions.
btw it's not slander to state what has been proven true in court.
Do you not see how you hurt your point by trying to post something that doesn't prove what you claimed?
If you make a claim, your speculation is not going to be enough to prove what you claimed. You could've just admitted you didn't have proof. And in fact, I think you did days ago when someone corrected you. But now you are back to speculating to back up your slander.
Why can't people here reframe from slandering people without proof? Why is that so hard to do? Without the anonymous guise here, there's no way any of you would do this. Or maybe some of you would be so dumb to do this, and then get yourself in further trouble for it.
let's not act like that was a normal stupid thing that all 14 year olds doMan, I would hate to have people on the internet judge my entire life based solely on the stupidest thing I ever did when I was fourteen.
If you were beating up and bullying disabled kids as a 14 year old then you are a piece of shit too! Yes teenagers do stupid things but please lets not act like this is anywhere within the realm of normal teenage behavior in anyway at all.Man, I would hate to have people on the internet judge my entire life based solely on the stupidest thing I ever did when I was fourteen.
let's not act like that was a normal stupid thing that all 14 year olds do
He's a piece of garbage, embarrassing that Arizona would give him the pleasure of being drafted
Mitch Miller is going to have some different hurdles compared to your typical prospect. He's going to have to actually show some genuine growth as a human being and be able to speak clearly about how he's grown. Work for an anti-bullying charity or something. He's not going to be able to just jump in to an NHL locker room as if he doesn't have a past, and have the media just ignore him. Maybe he's capable of that growth, maybe he's not. A lot of prospects in his range aren't going to make it, these are just very different hurdles to overcome. In Mitchell's case he's also probably a better hockey player than 50+ kids taken before him, so it's not impossible that he makes it.
The market he's in will help. Can you imagine if Toronto drafted him and he was in a media scrum with some of that press? Steve Simmons: "Mitchell, what does it feel like to torment a developmentally challenged kid and then fall in the draft?"I think you overstate the hoops he'll have to jump through. Keep his head down and progress as a hockey player is what's on the menu. There won't be an elaborate rehabilitation project.
He should be asked these questionsThe market he's in will help. Can you imagine if Toronto drafted him and he was in a media scrum with some of that press? Steve Simmons: "Mitchell, what does it feel like to torment a developmentally challenged kid and then fall in the draft?"