You’ve taken it upon yourself to judge his character as one that’s reformed and no longer worthy of
I have not.
You’ve taken it upon yourself to judge my response to you and the other members of the mob as a defense of his actions.
I’ve merely said don’t slander this kid’s name or try to run him out of work on the basis of no current info.
And that, is what makes you a hypocrite. You have been touting throughout that everyone here is just as guilty of having the same type of things in their past, that they’re all hypocrites and frauds...your words there.
You’ve taken it upon yourself to be the arbiter of character and done nothing but judge people you don’t know in this thread. I don’t know you, I haven’t seen any of your posts outside of this thread so I can only speak to what I’m seeing here. But what I see here is not some white knight fighting the mighty powers of cancel culture and standing up for second chances. What I see is nothing more than someone who can’t handle other people not sharing his or her opinion on a hockey player.
That was proven when you tossed out the only person who’s weighed in having actually been a part of the case’s opinion cause it didn’t line up with yours. “I couldn’t care less” was your phrase.
I think this type of rhetoric is what we get when someone is so determined to slander someone’s name or condemn them for immoral acts as a child. You’ve invested into it, and now I’m the bad guy in your way of attacking this guy because I call you and others what you are.
I have taken it upon myself to say that you and the others who’ve attacked this guy and condemned him without any current reasoning probably did things similarly dumb at that age.
I have never defended what he did. The point is merely that people who committed immoral acts at a similar age should be aware that decision making at 14 isn’t fully developed and it would be too far of a leap to condemn them, slander them and try to try to put them out of work at 18.
And for the last time, your favorite authority figures don’t make your argument better. It could be this judge you cite, the NHL, or the King of the f***ing world, citing authority figures without the context in your favor doesn’t make your argument stronger.
So save the act and sure as f*** save the accusations that myself and others were doing things just as bad. I’m not “throwing stones from a glass house” cause I’ve never been found guilty for bullying autistic kids. Maybe you have those skeletons in your closet and that’s why this hits so personal for you, I’ll leave you with your own words.
This is the quintessential dishonest response you’ll get from certain people on this website. Dig through someone’s posting history to find a post they made days, maybe weeks, ago on a completely different subject with a completely different context, try to apply it here, and attack that person for it, as if it applies here. And to think there are actually people dumb enough to back your post. Crazy. This approach is also littered throughout your post. If you equivalize everything, you’ll find a contradiction, and you think that’ll win you the argument. How about addressing the actual arguments made and not trying to play run-around games about this?
You and your cohort are exactly the type that would take huge offense to a pretty tame and realistic statement that 14 year old kids do dumb shit and shouldn’t be held to it later in life. Maybe some people did worse. Maybe they did similar. Discussing this complex subject in anything except rage and raw emotion will dilute the point of the attacks against this guy. They are all about rage and faux-self morality. It’s all an emotional play. If we are realistic that people make mistakes, especially 14 year olds, and we probably shouldn’t be making judgements against someone’s character at the age of 18 based only on what happened at 14, that’s a little too rational for a mob mentality.
Since you are so interested in myself, I genuinely don’t think I did anything I’d consider as bad as that at 14, but I know people who did, and I didn’t take part in an angry mob that was out to get them at the age of 18. I’m probably not on your moral plane though. Would it have been better if I tried to put them out of work for things they did worse than this?