First, you don't know Mitchell Miller. You don't know any more about this than I do. Did he apologize or not? The article I read said yes. The family say they didn't think he was sincere. But that's all. Myles Garrett after lynshing his victim falsely accused him of racism to justify his action. 2020, he's back.
Second, I believe what Michael Vick at 25 did is indefinitely more serious. I work in schools and I can tell you that school bullying with racial mockery is very common. I made 4 incident reports in 5 years of this type.
Third, for a claimed pacifist, I find you very aggressive towards me.
Fourth, 5 years have passed and he was only 14 at the time of the incident. You tell me about 9 years of harassment. Even if this is true, it would mean that Miller has to pay 5 years later for child harassment. In my teenage years, I knew guys who harassed me mentally by telling me over and over that I was ugly, that I squinted, that I was a dirty Belgian to destroy me morally and humiliate me. Physically, if I hadn't known how to defend myself, I would probably have been beaten up. Like other teenagers. But you cannot hold an adult responsible for what he did as a child. Penally this is not possible. Morally either.
I think you need to expand your understanding to the full facts about the apology. This is a weird situation. Usually in other situations, facts are not available. In this case though, it's publicly available. There were two individuals who bullied the victim in the 2016 court case. McKie and Miller.
McKie's apology was accepted by the victim and magistrate presiding over the case. This seems to be good evidence the victim is not petty/spiteful and refusing all apologies and is willing to accept a heartfelt apology and move on.
Miller's apology was rejected by the victim's family AND the magistrate presiding over the case. This is not a Miller's camp word vs Meyer-Crothers' camp word situation. An independent individual very much qualified to do so, evaluating significantly more case facts than any of us will ever be privy to (and there is a ridiculous amount out there already) concluded his apology was not worth accepting.
In 2020 the Miller camp issued a letter to all NHL teams. Many investigated him further and found discrepancies with the claims he was making and his overall attitude so went as far to make the extreme measures to throw him on their do not draft list. These teams independently concluded that they didn't want anything to do with him even though he had at least 2nd round calibre talent.
After being drafted, a statement was made through the Coyotes that Miller had apologized to the victim. The victim's mother publicly refuted the Coyotes claim (not Miller's) and no rebuttal from the Miller camp to prove her wrong has been made so far. In that same claim, she added that Miller had added more transgressions against her son after that lawsuit. While this is a Miller camp said vs Meyer-Crothers camp said situation that can bring bias into the equation, this isn't a claim you can make without getting your face kicked in if proven false. The Miller camp doesn't even need to get a lawyer to help them craft a response. A simple, "We disagree with your claims" is enough. They haven't done that which is kinda damning against them. We also know that the victim is willing to forgive and forget (via McKie example) which is also seemingly evidence again that spite/pettiness to make false claims to torpedo Miller are less likely. Yes, it's conjecture, but it doesn't seem like it will be likely it will be refuted.
Also, your references to NFL make no sense to me when the NHL has direct evidence of turfing guys of decent talent like Voynov. There was another guy who also had issues with the NHL for domestic violence but I cannot recall his name off the top of my head.
So...any scouting reports or is this just talking about his past mistakes and personal issues?
All I know so far is that he's a 2nd round calibe talent. He kinda sounds like a jack of all trades type player for offense, defense, IQ, physicality, size etc.
I think the discussion about his past and current mistakes are valid in wondering if he will pan out. I posited questions as to whether his career path might get derailed if certain parties (team mates, opposition, coaching etc.) who will be involved in his development will spend the time to try and railroad him, but no one seemed to be interested in debating that. I still would be interested in debating that though and I kinda hope the deep dive discussions on his personal issues, mistakes etc. are confined to the main board thread vs this one so that this one can discuss his talent potential and potential to pan out. Whether he should be allowed to pan out should IMO be a discussion independent and separate to this thread.
here is the problem with society now. We don't want to give 2nd chances to people who screw up. We want to crucify them and brandish them for the rest of their lives and make them suffer daily. What he did was wrong there is no denying that. Shouldn't the goal of society to help these individuals see the wrong and help them become better people.
That is not how society works anymore. Even groups like this Hockey Diverse Alliance are condemning this kid. So they preach acceptance and tolerance but can't show it towards another human who has screwed up. This is today's society preach about tolerance and shout it on social media but never practice what you preach. Virtue Signalling at it's finest.
Why not take this kid and make him a poster boy for change and being able to learn from your mistakes and become a person who makes a difference in lives
I don't disagree with your premise. I too agree that society often doesn't like to give 2nd chances to those that screw up. Many times they feel that if you screw up once per century, you should be cast off and ostracized. That's a crappy way to handle things.
HOWEVER, if you do a deep dive on Mitchell Miller, he is not asking for a 2nd chance. He is definitely in the 4th chance range. He has been adding transgressions in the past 4 years. It's absolutely rare and bizarre that there is so much public information about a situation like this. It's even more rare and bizarre to have it unfold before the public's eyes in real time. The available public information isn't like a basic short story novella like many other cases/stores before it. This current situation and story is like a trilogy with more potential books to be added to the series. It's kinda crazy.
I share your opinion that Mitch Miller deserves another chance. I just want to say that this isn't an isolated incident that ceased after the 2016. He added significant transgressions against the victim since then. As at the age of 18 (today) there is seemingly evidence that shows more has been done by him to make the victim suffer since the lawsuit when he was 14. This is nearly unheard of in most other cases/situations.
Cross posted from a different post I made, but there are about 5 major pieces of information so far that everyone wanting to engage should read to get a good grip on all the pertinent facts. Again, it's insane there is this much in the first place. It's further insane more may likely be added as time goes on:
Judge slams pair's role in bullying case (Original article about the case in 2014.).
Mitchell Miller, a Coyotes' draft pick, bullied Black, disabled teen (Article in 2020 hinting at the 2014 article, then mentions thoughts from NHL teams, scouts, Miller camp and Meyer-Crothers camp)
(Consensus summary of overwhelming majority of NHL and media opinion)
4. (Coyotes/Miller makes open statement of apology through Coyotes and Coyotes GM: Bill Armstrong's comments about Miller and thoughts about his apology and optimism of him being a changed person for the better going forward)
(Victim's mother commenting on Bill Arnold's/Coyotes statement. Claims Miller's comments about remorse seem contrived if he hasn't even contacted them as he claims. Gives new insight about the fact Miller has not only been repentant, but added torment in the 4 years since the lawsuit) As of today, I am not aware of the Miller camp refuting her claims.
There's more than this out there of course with some adding more pertinent first hand info that is relatively devoid of conjecture, but this is the publicly available stuff most people can access that isn't pay walled or rife of excess conjecture and irrelevant noise.