Cena vs Gunther would be fun, idk if John has taken that many chops before, but I guess it'd better than the squash against Brock at SS. Cena wins EC? I don't think Cena should win the rumble, but at least make it to the final 4. Cena is 100% main eventing Night 1 of Mania (his last)
Charlotte vs Jade and Bianca vs Rhea are my guesses. Come Mania there won't be any credible women on RAW for Rhea, unless maybe Iyo. They could do Face vs Face and just put on a banger. (I think we get Jade vs Bianca sooner but they might draw that out to this years
Punk vs Seth vs Drew triple Threat is gonna happen at Mania, I'd bet. They can have drew vs Punk, punk vs Seth, Seth vs Drew over the next few months plus all screwing eachother I the rumblenor EC to draw the story out.
Roman vs Rock and Cody vs Randy would be 2 great matches. Cody wouldn't main event either night though against Orton, but the fued would be amazing.
Still wanna see Rock vs Cody though, which probably needs the belt based off their last encounter, idk if Cody needs to hold the belt till next years Summer Slam for a Rock match