Is that even legal? I thought that as a season subscriber you had right of first refusal to purchase your same seats for the playoffs. Seems a stretch to say if you won't be a subscriber next season you are no longer entitled to a benefit for this season, no?
That's what I thought and I explained it to them. I said they are very likely opening themselves up to legal action. I also forwarded them my renewal email which advertises as the first point first right to purchase playoff tickets. I'm fairly certain it would fall somewhere within false advertising, but I'm not going to waste my time or money fighting them over this. Hopefully it bites them, but what can I do.
Speaking of "random" drawings, I always wonders how people won to be on the ice for the "jersey off their backs" at the last game of the season? It seems like a big mystery.
Is that even legal? I thought that as a season subscriber you had right of first refusal to purchase your same seats for the playoffs. Seems a stretch to say if you won't be a subscriber next season you are no longer entitled to a benefit for this season, no?
I would go check your paperwork for this year. This is still 2016-17.
whoever wrote a few posts back about them messing with the language in terms was right on. I haven't been reading everything with a fine toothed comb, just looking at the major stuff like them forcing you to give up your right to class actions, but I have been saving the terms every time they change them. This was the language from the 2016-17 renewal invoice:
"For avoidance of doubt, this Subscription applies to pre-season and regular season games only and does not include any right to
purchase or otherwise obtain playoff tickets for any playoff games. MSG may to elect to extend to Subscriber the opportunity to
purchase playoff tickets (for regular season seats covered by this Subscription or otherwise), and may do so under such terms as
MSG, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems appropriate. If MSG does extend such opportunity to Subscriber, playoff Tickets
must be purchased for all playoff rounds offered by MSG to the Subscriber (unless otherwise stated by MSG); otherwise, all offered
and remaining games (both those being offered and any subsequent round or series) will be released for public sale."
update...just got an email from michelle at MSG letting me know my playoff seats are cancelled...I replied back a nice sarcastic message and asked for a proper phone call to issue is...if my seats are going to be sold anyway to some stranger on the street, why not sell them to me since I was the one that gave you $8900 this year for the ST...frankly I could care less and I hope the Rangers can go on and win the Stanley cup on home ice...maybe me not being at the game will help
whoever wrote a few posts back about them messing with the language in terms was right on. I haven't been reading everything with a fine toothed comb, just looking at the major stuff like them forcing you to give up your right to class actions, but I have been saving the terms every time they change them. This was the language from the 2016-17 renewal invoice:
"For avoidance of doubt, this Subscription applies to pre-season and regular season games only and does not include any right to
purchase or otherwise obtain playoff tickets for any playoff games. MSG may to elect to extend to Subscriber the opportunity to
purchase playoff tickets (for regular season seats covered by this Subscription or otherwise), and may do so under such terms as
MSG, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems appropriate. If MSG does extend such opportunity to Subscriber, playoff Tickets
must be purchased for all playoff rounds offered by MSG to the Subscriber (unless otherwise stated by MSG); otherwise, all offered
and remaining games (both those being offered and any subsequent round or series) will be released for public sale."
whoever lives near the garden needs to get their ass over there and buy rinkside seats for $150
section 6 row AA
Deadbeats like myself who have not renewed have been extended to April 7...after that they will not give me playoff tickets
Any idea when we'll be getting access to playoff tickets? I'm thinking that it may be different that it's a pay after the game happens option. Wonder what kind of restrictions doing that will cause.
I expect a package with all the tickets to arrive in the mail, and the barcodes wont be turned on unless there is a game.
Just got my tracking number for the playoff package. They are showing up Wednesday.
Taken from the Montreal HF Boards page:
Game 1: NYR @ MTL, Wednesday April 12th 2017
Game 2: NYR @ MTL, Friday April 14th 2017
Game 3: MTL @ NYR, Sunday April 16th 2017
Game 4: MTL @ NYR, Monday April 18th 2017
Game 5: NYR @ MTL, TBA (if necessary)
Game 6: MTL @ NYR, TBA (if necessary)
Game 7: NYR @ MTL, TBA (if necessary)
Tickets printed and shipped by UPS, scheduled for arrival on Wednesday. Separate packages for different seat locations
How did u find out??
I get an email from UPS anytime something is mailed to my address. It's called My Choice. Just sign up.