Leetch66 Joined 2007
Do you remember Ranger draft pick Chris Doyle ? He was drafted a few years back and was a shooter type guy...he played on a PEI Senior B club on the weekend . I asked a friend who was there and he said he still has the shot but it was going to take a bit for the rest of him to catch up with it.I was thinking the Rangers might take a chance on him.
It's not something that will hurt to try but I'm skeptical that he's going to be a good fit. The Rangers are already a bit slow of foot with too many of our forwards not helping out the D enough. He might fit right in with that. But it's wait and see and a chance to be pleasantly surprised and we're not really going anywhere this season anyway.
They were also supposed to have Dave Ling dressed who had a cameo in Columbus. He was a former Canadian Major Junior player of the year at one time ...anyways he ended up skipping out on the Island team and signed with an Ontario club prepping for an Allan Cup run.
The next big gun they come out with likely will be Turk as a coach...he lives right where the team is located and Dion Phaneuf dressing[he lives here half a year] ....I would not be one bit shocked....old guys never get it out of their systems. Probably see Brett Gallant out with them as well...he is currently coaching a local girls team at the moment . With Brett Gallant-Ling the shit disturber and Phaneuf...they might be tougher than the Rangers .