I'm just speechless. I really don't know what to say. Yes, if it were a normal season and Torts was having insane practices, then maybe. But what you're saying is that the players came into the season out of shape (this is 100 % on them). Then, Torts proceeded to have his normal practices (he doesn't say anything different in the behind the benches interview). The players then come to him and say its too much (again, deserve to be **** on for not being ready to play). How is this on Torts? Torts was trying to get his team back into shape. He was trying to make sure they're ready to play. They weren't, and it has shown right since the start (Richie, Gabby, Boyle, etc). Would you rather he throw up his hands and say **** it, and field a team that looks like its skating in mud?
Not to mention in the very same interview, he then even says that in response to the players, he actually CHANGED his practices and he's had MORE optional practices this year... So, even if one thinks the point you're trying to make is valid, it simply doesn't match up with the FACTS. Jesus christ, the blind Torts hate around here is just ridiculous (not saying there aren't things he's done poorly, but for ****s sake at least make sense if you're going to criticize him).