The idea that there's a semi-public spat between Nutting and Cherington / others in the front office does make some sense, though obviously does not bode well if it's true.
Nutting was uncharacteristically candid about the current team's need for offense, though I don't remember him saying anything that could be interpreted as a slight against the decisions that got them to this point. Maybe that was poorly received, though we still haven't seen anything like the front office leaking stuff to Perrotto.
My sense is that Perrotto's piece is still some kind of fabrication, or at best longstanding gripes coming from someone who isn't Cherington or close to him. It just doesn't seem in character that Cherington would be airing grievances mid-season, though of course it's possible that the Perrotto thing is something on its own and Nutting is still trying to distract.
Fundamentally, I don't really get the bat who could have been had if we spent more money in the winter. The big thing everyone was clamoring for (myself included) was a veteran SP on a multi-year deal. Jack Flaherty would have been a lot better than Perez or Gonzales, but it wouldn't do much for the bad offense. I should go back to the list of free agents and double check, but I also don't remember any kind of rumblings like this in the offseason. And mid-season, the main relevant question for talent acquisition is trading prospects. Even in a seller's market, we do have the ability to easily trade for one of Chisholm or Ward, or even Robert.