People bitch about Gabe's skating. The fact that he stayed on his feet on that play is bonkers. I fell twice watching it.
Most people simply parrot criticisms others have made, and skating is a lazy criticism to begin with. There’s a lot of elements to skating, and he’s very good at a lot of them. He’s got fantastic body control, balance, and he can lean on his edges well which, combined with his hands, allow him to be so slippery in small areas/through contact. What is fair to have some concerns about is his underwhelming explosiveness. He’s plenty fast enough and has no problem carrying the puck in full flight, but he can struggle to give himself opportunities to do that because his first few steps from a stop or changing direction either aren’t enough to get to loose pucks first or escape getting closed on. It’s not a huge concern, and if nothing else that will inevitably improve to some degree simply through physical maturation, but ideally that’s the overwhelming focus of his training. He’ll never be mcdavid, but every bit of marginal improvement there will have a compounding effect improving the impact he can make offensively.