Are you suggesting a Finn would be less motivated playing for their country in the World Cup than they would be playing for their NHL team?
If only very small part of the country bothers to tune in, then yeah.
It's the presence of fans that makes the players play extra hard - either in-house, or back home glued to their screens. With this one, the people on the rafters will be almost exclusively Canadian with very little fans from elsewhere - and the coverage back in Finland will be woefully small, at least when compared to the Olympics (it's pay TV that will be showing the games - not a national channel as is the case with the OG). In the current media age, there's no way this will escape the players. So for them, it'll be more akin to a fun get-together rather than something that feels like a must win.
So yeah, it's actually possible they'll play harder when donning their club team jerseys - because the fans of the club cheering them on are everpresent. But here, they'll be playing for crowds that are at best neutral towards 'em.
Also I don't recall the big party after the last OG. It was all a bit boring if you ask me.
Lemme assure you, there would have been one had Finland managed to win. Or pretty much any other country save for Canada, who at this point seem to treat these wins like every other Tuesday.
Teemu Selanne called the (then upcoming) World Cup final in 2004 the biggest game in Finnish hockey history. The players will be decently motivated. The tournament is still a joke this time though.
The 2004 iteration actually got decent coverage in Finland for a multitude of reasons. It was the first time all the best Finnish players from the then-present generation were together (the SLC team two years earlier was riddled with injuries), some of the games were actually played in Finland, and one of the national tv channels struck a deal to broadcast.
This time 'round, due to wildly different circumstances, it will likely fly completely under the radar for most Finns. Only the most hardcore will tune in, and even then some - like yours truly - will be put off because the format is so alien. And imagine a casual fan tuning in... "Huh? Who exactly are they playing? Is that USA? Canada? 'Young Stars'? Oh, this must be some kind of exhibition game. Guess I'm just going to bed then."
It's kind of sad, really. The league is banking so hard on the Canadian dollar that the rest of the world has little reason to be interested. However, this will also mean that the
players representing the rest of the world have little reason to be interested either. Sure, their professional pride will stop them from completely mailing it in, but OG hockey this will be not.
And let it be said that back in 2004, I actually thought this might be a big thing one day if it gets arranged regularly. But now 12 years have passed and practically nothing is left of the things that made it great back then. Woeful coverage, no hype surrounding the team (which is yet another pity, because it will likely feature the best and the brightest representing our future), and it involves opponents that do not even grant you the bragging rights if beaten. And while I'm using Finland as example, most of Europe will be in the same boat.