Potential Atlanta NHL Expansion Team Thread

I've always avoided MARTA like the plague.

And, if we're being honest, the people who can afford (season?) hockey tickets for a family of 4+ by and large do the same.
The league wants to grow the game in the market. The whole market, not just the area where season ticket buyers live. You do that by providing multiple ways of accessing the venue, not "okay, here's a bus shelter, good luck."

I never once had a problem using MARTA. When the Thrashers were here before, I often took the bus and train to get to games, then getting back home. There were some games that ran late where I needed to take a cab from the airport terminus instead, but that was a failing of the incredibly inadequate C-Tran, not MARTA.

While it's highly unlikely that the average person riding the train will purchase season tickets, it's even more unlikely that every seat in the building will be occupied by someone who owns a season ticket package of any kind. Single game tickets have always been a thing, and you never know who might live downtown , in Roswell, or somewhere along MARTA's rail access who wants to see a game but doesn't want to deal with traffic.
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Carter's location certainly leaves one to wonder what the traffic plan would be. Could they add a dedicated arena exit to/from GA-400 that empties near parking facilities? You're right that an arena at North Point Mall would certainly run into a lot of residential traffic, which will create a ripple effect in the community if there aren't other plans in place to mitigate that additional traffic.

Another option could be to use the North Point Mall site for something else, and instead build the arena in another place. This becomes problematic because I'm not sure there are any other places they could build a barn that has easy access to GA-400 as well as the potential to access local businesses, hotels, even secondary access to residential areas for folks who live nearby and want to attend games without needing to access GA-400 to do so.

Krause's location is good, in the sense that it's right off GA-400, but traffic management becomes even more of an issue there. Roads will need to be widened to handle the extra traffic, On top of that, access to MARTA will be an even bigger problem too. If one has never had to stand in the rain, snow, wind, or combination thereof to wait for a shuttle -- regardless of whether there's a covered bus stop -- lemme tell ya, it's not fun. Carter's location provides an opportunity to petition the area to maybe add a rail stop for folks coming from points south of the arena to work or take in events. Such an option is unlikely anytime soon at Krause's location... and perhaps that's the point.

In the end, there are advantages and disadvantages to both sites. It's one of the reasons why I'm a little curious about the unnamed groups who've shown interest and what their arena plans are.
As someone who lived in a townhome right off Mansell, about 1 mile from Northpoint mall, the traffic would horrific. Prohibitively bad.

I've always avoided MARTA like the plague.

And, if we're being honest, the people who can afford (season?) hockey tickets for a family of 4+ by and large do the same.
MARTA was fine for a number of years. It wasn't really until post COVID that it became the unbearable, unsafe shit show that it is now.
The one part of all of this that perplexes me is that the Anson-owned Gladiators got the NHL's permission to use and market the Thrashers name and logo, yet it's Krause's competing group that seems to have the inside track to getting the expansion franchise and has made no secret that he wants to resurrect the Thrashers branding.

So, you have two competing potential ownership groups, one of which is currently allowed to use the Thrashers name, and the other who seems primed to commandeer it.

It's really not that weird if you look at it from the "other direction" (aka, the NHL office). The NHL owns the rights to the Thrashers name/logo and are going to use it in a way that promotes hockey in Atlanta.

Because they have a relationship with Anson, the Gladiators stoking interest in an NHL return by using the logo/branding makes sense.

When it comes to expansion, the NHL is going to pick the bid they like the best, and if/when a team is granted, the best use of the Thrashers name/brand to promote hockey in Atlanta now becomes on the NHL jersey instead of the ECHL jersey.
Again, I didn't mean to hijack the thread. I was called out and asked why I had a negative view towards "non-traditional markets" and I answered it was because with the limit on the total number of teams a team in one market means another city can't have one. Then the back and forth ensued.

I haven't done a good enough job of convincing you to reject that premise in bold.

The "limit on the total number of teams" is artificial. It WAS 21, then it was 22, then it was 24, 26, 30, 31, and 32. Now we're talking about teams #33 and #34. The league can raise it at any time and will raise it if there's a place that makes sense for hockey to go to raise revenue.

The biggest markets without teams are always going to be higher on the expansion list because of the POTENTIAL to make money off them if ownership does a good enough job of converting the masses. The likelihood of conversion is highly debatable but population isn't: 15% of the Atlanta/Houston metro areas are more people than 100% of Quebec City.

The best path for Quebec is find ANOTHER western market (like Phoenix/San Diego/Portland) who wants in WITH or BEFORE Atlanta and Houston.

You want the NHL teams drooling over adding 18 million fan population to their market footprint and QC facilitates that as the 18th East team despite only being the last 0.85 million; and you want the East teams saying "We want Quebec as #18" because the bigger US markets are too close:

BOS wants QC over Hartford or Providence
NYR, NYI, NJD wants QC over Hartford
BUF wants QC over Hamilton or Rochester
CBJ wants QC over Cleveland or Cincinnati or Indianapolis
WASH wants QC over Baltimore or Virginia Beach
CAR wants QC over Charlotte, Virginia Beach
TB and ATL want QC over Jacksonville
DET wants QC over Grand Rapids or Indianapolis.

In that situation, QC is going to win an expansion vote, 29-3 at worst.
There was a Twitter poll by the NHL to Atlanta guy -- I don't recall if it was done by the original guy or the one who has taken his place, but the majority of respondents voted to keep the Thrashers name.

However, there have been no formal polls by either Krause's or Carter's camps, but when the league takes further steps towards awarding a franchise, I'd fully expect such a formal poll to take place.

Other than the new CBA I don't get why the NHL is dragging the its feet on deciding on Atlanta. If they want to go to Atlanta why not just get it started. Especially since its going to take 3 years to build the arena. There is no need to go in pairs. We saw with Vegas that teams fair better when they come in one at a time.
Other than the new CBA I don't get why the NHL is dragging the its feet on deciding on Atlanta. If they want to go to Atlanta why not just get it started. Especially since its going to take 3 years to build the arena. There is no need to go in pairs. We saw with Vegas that teams fair better when they come in one at a time.
I think the CBA is really the only thing holding it up, and only in the sense of it being the biggest and most pressing league business to tackle. There's the Canadian television rights deal too, but I don't know enough about it to know whether that would impact a US expansion.

As Pagnotta said in the story from a couple pages back, Krause is gonna give a presentation to the league of his final draft, so I suppose we'll find out what the league thinks soon.

Meanwhile, on the Houston front, Fertitta has been chosen by Trump to be the next ambassador to Italy. I'm really not sure whether he's been confirmed, or even if he's accepted the nomination, but it could impact how soon Houston can get a team of their own. If it does, we might not see Houston join the league until after the Trump term ends and a new ambassador steps into the role in 2029. Of course, it's always possible there's another group (Friedman said last year that there is) and they get the franchise instead.
As someone who lived in a townhome right off Mansell, about 1 mile from Northpoint mall, the traffic would horrific. Prohibitively bad.

MARTA was fine for a number of years. It wasn't really until post COVID that it became the unbearable, unsafe shit show that it is now.

Y’all talk like every MARTA train and bus ride is a fight for survival..yes, there have been isolated incidents (at the stations I’m sure none of y’all have ever stepped foot in & will never step foot in) but it’s generally safe. I guarantee nothing will happen to you while using MARTA. Even in the college park station where you will think it’s Armageddon, I see people of every race there. Stop the scare tactics.
Y’all talk like every MARTA train and bus ride is a fight for survival..yes, there have been isolated incidents (at the stations I’m sure none of y’all have ever stepped foot in & will never step foot in) but it’s generally safe. I guarantee nothing will happen to you while using MARTA. Even in the college park station where you will think it’s Armageddon, I see people of every race there. Stop the scare tactics.
A lot of us in the suburbs grew up with scare tactics and politicians who used them to fight against MARTA expansion. It bothers me because cities of similar size -- or even smaller size -- have more robust and wider adoption of mass transit than metro Atlanta.

I never had a single problem on MARTA in the five years I used it, and I used it no less than twice a day for work. I promise, MARTA isn't gonna bite.
A lot of us in the suburbs grew up with scare tactics and politicians who used them to fight against MARTA expansion. It bothers me because cities of similar size -- or even smaller size -- have more robust and wider adoption of mass transit than metro Atlanta.

I never had a single problem on MARTA in the five years I used it, and I used it no less than twice a day for work. I promise, MARTA isn't gonna bite.

What about the time they ruined the shot of the Georgia Dome implosion. The whole country had a problem with that...
As someone who lived in a townhome right off Mansell, about 1 mile from Northpoint mall, the traffic would horrific. Prohibitively bad.

Is Ameris Bank traffic horrific, prohibitively bad?

If Anson wins the franchise, 12,000 is not going to be the arena capacity but Encore/Westside Parkway, Maxwell, and Old Roswell Road are not Mansell, Northpoint Parkway, or Haynes Bridge. If NPM is the future site, traffic is only going to be bad for about 20 minutes around 10PM for ~41 nights a year.
Is Ameris Bank traffic horrific, prohibitively bad?

If Anson wins the franchise, 12,000 is not going to be the arena capacity but Encore/Westside Parkway, Maxwell, and Old Roswell Road are not Mansell, Northpoint Parkway, or Haynes Bridge. If NPM is the future site, traffic is only going to be bad for about 20 minutes around 10PM for ~41 nights a year.
I think it depends when people start showing up for things like tailgates or other pre-game events. If there's a 7pm puck drop, and a significant number of fans start showing up around 430pm or 5pm, it could very well affect traffic.

In my mind, it depends on how traffic is managed and what the plans are for having a 18k+ seat building that'll host 41 or more games, plus things like concerts and other events. Depending on how that traffic is managed, it could go smoothly or -- and remember, this is metro Atlanta -- it could be a real clusterfuch. And that's not just limited to Carter's proposed location either. Challenges exist with Krause's too.
I think it depends when people start showing up for things like tailgates or other pre-game events. If there's a 7pm puck drop, and a significant number of fans start showing up around 430pm or 5pm, it could very well affect traffic.

In my mind, it depends on how traffic is managed and what the plans are for having a 18k+ seat building that'll host 41 or more games, plus things like concerts and other events. Depending on how that traffic is managed, it could go smoothly or -- and remember, this is metro Atlanta -- it could be a real clusterfuch. And that's not just limited to Carter's proposed location either. Challenges exist with Krause's too.

I think that would be more accurately pointed at the City of Atlanta, specifically. Their traffic management plans after United and Falcons games is atrocious, i.e. feeding everyone onto Spring Street and then having cops blocking any left turns to get over towards the highway as you approach Baker and Williams Streets, thus forcing everyone to go all the way to North Ave. to take a left and then double-back to the highway entrance a couple blocks south.

The Braves in Cobb seem to do a little better, and that's even with far fewer surface streets feeding into and out of The Battery and Truist Park.
Is Ameris Bank traffic horrific, prohibitively bad?

If Anson wins the franchise, 12,000 is not going to be the arena capacity but Encore/Westside Parkway, Maxwell, and Old Roswell Road are not Mansell, Northpoint Parkway, or Haynes Bridge. If NPM is the future site, traffic is only going to be bad for about 20 minutes around 10PM for ~41 nights a year.
That area, on a good day, is not great. Ameris bank traffic sucks. Although, to be fair, I don't think I've attended an event at Ameris Bank since 2021. I could be mis-remembering concert traffic. I just remember getting off 400N, day after day between 5-6, from 2015-2017, and crawling.

Y’all talk like every MARTA train and bus ride is a fight for survival..yes, there have been isolated incidents (at the stations I’m sure none of y’all have ever stepped foot in & will never step foot in) but it’s generally safe. I guarantee nothing will happen to you while using MARTA. Even in the college park station where you will think it’s Armageddon, I see people of every race there. Stop the scare tactics.
I guess you missed the point where I said MARTA was fine for a number of years and have only criticized its viability and safety post COVID. I've lived in this state and around various parts of Atlanta and metro-Atlanta since 2004... from Marietta, to Roswell, down as far south as Valdosta, to Sandy Springs, up north as far as Woodstock. I've worked ITP or around the perimeter for the last 10 years.

There are no scare tactics, just you mis-representing what I said so you can use it to justify whatever you want. I used MARTA a bunch before 2020, most of the time getting on right by Hammond Drive. There was nothing wrong with it. Hell, it was safer and less full of shit than most subway rides or trips on the LIRR (I grew up in NY).

But post COVID, I'm sorry it hurts your feelings, but Marta has turned to shit. I don't think that despite the population growth this city has seen, combined with the absurd traffic congestion, that MARTA had one of the worst declines in ridership nationally, despite a rail increase in most other states.
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Y’all talk like every MARTA train and bus ride is a fight for survival..yes, there have been isolated incidents (at the stations I’m sure none of y’all have ever stepped foot in & will never step foot in) but it’s generally safe. I guarantee nothing will happen to you while using MARTA. Even in the college park station where you will think it’s Armageddon, I see people of every race there. Stop the scare tactics.
Argument for another thread. We can agree to disagree about the experience on MARTA.

What about the time they ruined the shot of the Georgia Dome implosion. The whole country had a problem with that...
Ha I was standing on the top floor of the GP tower at the time and had a great view of it.
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As a (near) lifelong metro Atlantan, it hurts WAAAAAAY to much for me to laugh at this. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I've been in metro Atlanta for all except the first six weeks of my life, so I understand... but it's easier and better for my health to laugh at exactly how bad the teams here have been. Sorry for the ruffled feathers.

