An Intricate Piece of Infinity
The league wants to grow the game in the market. The whole market, not just the area where season ticket buyers live. You do that by providing multiple ways of accessing the venue, not "okay, here's a bus shelter, good luck."I've always avoided MARTA like the plague.
And, if we're being honest, the people who can afford (season?) hockey tickets for a family of 4+ by and large do the same.
I never once had a problem using MARTA. When the Thrashers were here before, I often took the bus and train to get to games, then getting back home. There were some games that ran late where I needed to take a cab from the airport terminus instead, but that was a failing of the incredibly inadequate C-Tran, not MARTA.
While it's highly unlikely that the average person riding the train will purchase season tickets, it's even more unlikely that every seat in the building will be occupied by someone who owns a season ticket package of any kind. Single game tickets have always been a thing, and you never know who might live downtown , in Roswell, or somewhere along MARTA's rail access who wants to see a game but doesn't want to deal with traffic.
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