This needs to stop. It has and continues to look bad on the league. The only plus is that it has been going on for SO LONG people simply don't care anymore.
When this garbage started almost 8 years ago....I think everyone expected it would get solved within a few months...maybe a year. 8 years later and we're still here. The team has been in limbo the entire time.....people have grown so tired of this story nobody is even covering it anymore. That's a good thing for the NHL I guess, but having a franchise's woes become so normal that people stop caring isn't a good thing.
If I'm Bettman.....I'd be polling the Owners to see if they'd support taking over control of the franchise. I assume their by-laws allow it and/or the debt owed by the Coyotes to the league would allow it.
Any sort of near majority to take over the Coyotes would be met with immediate scouting of places like Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Portland, Milwaukee, Houston and Seattle if they can get their act together.
If some sort of alignment fix could be figured out.....Quebec City, Hamilton, Cleveland and Hartford would also be looked into.
Again, if I'm still Bettman.....I'd be looking at ANY market that appears sustainable, has a decent venue and a possible Owner. This relocation would be similar to Atlanta to Winnipeg.....a deal. Just end the pain.
The NHL for some reason feels relocating this team would be bad......meanwhile the NFL....the biggest league in North America is shuffling teams all over. They have solid franchises moving and playing in a tiny stadium until a new one is built. But, the NHL won't move a problem franchise to a better market (for them) with an adequate building.
I don't get it. Why is the NHL allowing this to go on for the better part of a decade....considering if any of these hail mary arena proposals in the Phoenix area actually happen (even though the team is currently playing in a relatively new arena) it will have been a decade of ongoing shenanigans. IF that happens....that doesn't mean the shenanigans stop either.....a new rink anywhere other than Glendale doesn't automatically mean this franchise will do any better. It could make the NHL appear even worse....instead of bailing on one city that bought them an arena, they could bail on two.
Just end this garbage already.....never in the long history of the NHL has one franchise been such a problem. It needs to be solved....the NHL can always go back to the Phoenix area when things look better.
At some point someone needs to say enough is enough....put their foot down. This franchise has brought nothing but problems to the league and now they are running around looking for cheap arenas with apparent subsidies while they are currently playing in a relatively new arena. End this, soon. Even if they happen to swing a new arena deal in the area.....they've been holding their few (and I mean few) local fans in limbo for 8 years. Ya think people are suddenly, in the same region, going to do a 180 and buy into this thing?
Glendale is getting jerked around, the local fans are getting jerked around, other markets are getting jerked around, the league is getting jerked around.....taxpayers are getting jerked around......just cut it out already. FFS....if this latest arena plan gets shot down (and it will) the NHL needs to end this, at whatever cost.