I just dont see how he scores this year, I dont, muffin shot, muffin backhand, speeds gone, defense is lackluster now
Can you imagine 0 goals in 56 games this year what thats gonna look like lol.. he probably STILL walks and gets much less than 5 mill a year
this whole thing has been absolutely mind blowing with Phil its honestly amazing
I still cant even understand people saying "ehh id still give him a shot with 1-3 years 3.5mill or 4 mill" like WHAT? for WHAT, more 0 goal games?! his shots gonna miraculously get better??
This isnt "ohhh maybe the contract stuff is in his head" no, this is just a guy whos not trying to BREAK into the league anymore, this just looks like a guy whos comfortable, doesnt have to worry about his spot, french kid playing for the french team so in his mind "pfff obviously im going nowhere but here, this is MY town"
I just see a guy where the hunger is gone, and he just doesnt have the talent to maintain his early good play for the team when he was 23-24 trying to make a name for himself, to him he's "arrived" and not going anywhere, the word is "complacent" really, and its sickening
He absolutely has to GO