Simply "commiting to the ground game" isn't the fix. This shit isn't Madden. It's not that easy. Besides, Swift is putting up some of the best RB numbers in the league. Everyone knows he's a threat. Effective short passes function as runs anyway, and they call plenty bubbles/LOS passes as is.
As far as your fourth point, any QB is going to protect themselves, ESPECIALLY QB1s. It's part of the anointment and part of the role. The problem is he's not finishing his runs. That doesn't mean I want him to truck people, because I don't. But what's happening now is he's either 1. bailing towards the sidelines and throwing the ball away or 2. quitting on his run but just....crumpling. It's not only unusual for him, but it doesn't play to his strengths. If someone is telling him to do this or to "be more of a pocket passer" or whatever, then we have a real problem in the coaching suite