Well, are you fluent in Swedish? Do you even grasp what he's saying, in the way he's saying it? Can you grasp the melody and intonations in the Swedish language? Do you even notice Forsberg - and the other people in the studio - laughing and smiling about how Forsberg "hates the Canadians", while he's explaining what he means by this statement, in a quite heartily manner and an upbeat tone? Seen many videos of people bringing sincere hatred while everyone are chuckling, including the person bringing the hate?
You're at best reading binary subtitles, you're not even listening to an interpreter. Or even worse, you've listened to some quack job Canadian "journalist", a.k.a. spin doctor in some pathetic "report" that wants publicity for money. Don't be ignorant. But sure, if you want to remain ignorant and be angry about something you don't even understand, go ahead.
You think Forsberg would've been able to say he hates another country and mean it, in Swedish television, the most politically correct, pro-globalist democratorship in the world? Are you seriously kidding me?
I on the other hand can understand Cherry perfectly well and the nuances in intonation and English melody, as I on the other hand am fluent in English. Is Cherry chuckling as if he's kidding while talking about chicken Swedes and soft Euros with no heart? Nope, he's rambling on like Grandpa Simpson and like he knows what he's talking about. Yet do you think I am offended? Nope. Think Swedes care about the Swedish chef in the Muppets? Nope.
Forsberg isn't even in Cherry's stratosphere when it comes to rambling, so don't throw stones in a glass house, if you want to take it there.