I'll gladly explain.
Like 1/3 of the comments on this thread are from you, and all comments from yesterday are you drawing conclusions from Forsbergs statements based on mere assumptions and poor translations. In a interview from today Forsberg even further clarified that he hates team Canada because they always seem to find a way win, hence that Forsberg is a known for being extremely competitive and absolutely hates losing.
The way you derailed the discussion is because you've made false assumptions on what Forsberg actually said and meant, it's impossible for you to even know what was truly said and thus your comments and assumptions were useless since they didn' reflect on what was said and thus derailing the discussion since what Forsberg said was quite light hearted and tongue in cheek and you made it into something completely different. If cherry was saying he hated team Sweden because they always won in a light hearted manner (you can even tell it's light hearted since they're chuckling).
Your comment 30 min ago was a direct response to a user commenting on how swedes are whiny and uses excuses when we lose, presumably based on Forsbergs comments. And then you go on to build on that narrative, when infact Forsberg wasn't whining at all.