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I lost 67 pounds during the pandemic. 6 feet tall and 162 pounds for around two years now.Im just saying, i've tested a million things to make a healthier cookie dough that is protein packed. Haven't found the perfect consistency yet so i'll be attacking this for sure.
Amen. My go-to for breakfast
- Grilled chicken & rice (i usually eat this abou 3-4 times a week)
- Lean grass fed/through ground meat, eggs, & sour cream in a bowl.
Protein protein protein. Let's go.
Stopped going out for eating. Used to go four nights aweek and most lunches too. You simply can not eat healthy out even if you try ordering what seems to be a healthy order. Salads can have all sorts of junk on them including the dressing.
Blood work is perfect now. Lots of energy. I walk more than 15,000 steps a day. Smart watch and made it a goal.
I did it mostly with a Mediterranean diet. Not on purpose but I love grilled fish. Vegetables. Fruit. A couple of glasses of red wine every dinner.
Not that I deny myself 'bad' things. I simply use moderation with them. I only go out once a week. I eat deserts, pasta, anything. But not constantly.
As for the thread topic, at least so far, give Dubas credit. He hasn't caved to ridiculous trade demands for Karlsson despite obvious deep interest. That is a win.
I would love a million dollar house. But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't be stupid to buy one.