Friedman Blows Goats
He's still better than the status quo here.
It's all a moot point since Friedman probably will never play another game for Pittsburgh, but if Sully could undo the neutering of Friedman (give him his testicles back) which Sully imposed last year and let Friedman play the way he is capable of playing, he could be a passable #6 who brings something we otherwise totally lack.
But neutered he's useless, since he brings nothing else to the table aside from the willingness to play with physicality and being an agitator. I know there are Sully-like fans who fear "agitation" because then the other team will just cheap-shot us hardurrr or some such simpering. But it's not about cheap shots, it's about giving a shaky goalie *some* help and protection, because he gets zilch in those departments now.
A team chock full of nothing but Sully Vanilla could use at least a little bit of something else mixed in.