Back-to-back hater
Understanding why football has stoppages doesn't change the fact that it's dull as f***, at least for me. I can't get into a rhythm when watching it. It's just bursts of like 5 seconds before it's dead again.Fundamentally most NHL goals have a healthy element of luck. In no other major sport is that the case. The skill is accumulating a volume of chances such that you get lucky.
Football has stoppages because it's a series of individual battles where teams coordinate different tactics. But each battle/play can be discussed individually. A board battle on the half wall so a team can clear the zone and change its forwards after 35 seconds in their shift isn't remotely interesting. It just looks like a jumble of players whacking at the puck.
NHL needs more 4-on-4.
Hockey provides 60 minutes of play in 145 minute broadcasts on average.
Football provides 60 minutes of play in 192 minute broadcasts on average, and merely 11 minutes of that is when the ball is actually in play (per google).
So you watch over 3 hours to see 11 minutes of real play, then wait a week for the next game. Then they give you an 8 month off-season after your team's 16 games.
That's just terminally boring for me. But I'm not gonna mock anyone who enjoys it, even if I don't understand their preference.