Soon as Dubas signed Morgan to that deal? Kept his dinner warm for the next four years. Brilliant move and brilliant contract.
Signed a superstar for NHL peanuts.
Maybe Mo, got a colony of 20 story condo's owned by larry in the caribbean, but dubas, saved his career by signing up Mo. At that price. I always loved Burke, through thick and thin, and him being hired by mario shows I am not alone in loving ole burkie.
Sure was, the best player in that draft.
Most under sold, player in Leaf history. Guy is just great. And his shot, lool, is getting a bit heavier, every year, alebeit, not by a lot. But the skating, the courage, pfffftttt..
Mo is loved by his teammates and just brings a lot of game to the rink every night.
I would love to see Mo, carry a big heavy Stanley around the rink.
Tell me if I am wrong, but the whole team surged after this great player, was bundled for the long term by the franchise.
It was even obvious for a non Leaf fan.
Would love to meet the guy. IF< IF Matthews resigns with the Leafs, it will be to play on the same team with a guy like this.