To continue this shadow boxing in the defense of a goal scorer. While not the topic per se, it is intimately relevant to this thread because of the nature of Ovi the Player, the epitome of hockey goal scorer.
Largely dysfunctional way to determine and count points impact to a goal scorer many ways.
First, if you score goal, it becomes immediately clear that you cannot get assist from it, even if you de facto made the second pass before your goal.
Second, it is possible that some fellow guy gets your 2nd assist, only because he did 3rd pass before the goal. Such conception as 3rd assist however doesn't exist other way than trivial meaning '3rd touch to puck by teammate before the scored goal'.
Immediate question is why these often rewarded 2nd and 3rd assist points (should we call them 2.5nrd assists) cannot be awarded also to the goal scorer?
While generic playmaker type player systematically and very often enjoy from these points, the goal scorer himself cannot. This causes perception bias tied to the fact that quality of playmaking is most often measured directly from amount of assist points.
So, prolific goal scorers who most likely have most of these uncredited shadow assists, won't get credit for their playmaking abilities to their full extend, and that because of the very structure of dysfunctional way to count something very arbitrary things chosen to be called as 'points'.
If someone can give a numbers how many uncredited 2nd assists the most prolific goal scorers of all time lost due this BS way to count points, I'd be happy to see that data. In other words, it is very probable that those who compiled most incredible goal tallies in their careers would appear in much more brighter light also as playmakers too if the apparent missing playmaking points would be added to their career production numbers. Scoring goals is the only way to produce points, but if you're doing that, it automatically makes you lose them too.
Ovi is certainly one of the guys who appear worse in his playmaking abilities, only because the way points are counted.
As a random player, you statistically get some net benefit to your points production if you don't score goals, as long as someone else does. That is the consequence of and directly rises from the way of current system of counting points.
Edit: bad English, some clarifying additions made