Agree with what you are saying.
My point is, Boyd's bosses are super happy, this has been a good year $$$ in the old building they will soon replace. Why would they fire Boyd (even if some of us think he should be...)
The "failed deals" will only help bolster attendance until the rest of the 67s season is, and heck they will have two playoff games to boot.
I disagree about $$$ and fan interest.
I worked for or with two of the cheapest owners in OHL history. May God rest their souls, Howard and Earl.
There wasn't a penny that Earl did not pinch.
The philosophy was to put the most bums in the seats and keep the games enjoyable on the ice EVERY YEAR.
Off of that, I got to watch probably one of the best GM coaches in the OHL KIller work with that.
Killer knew that to get the most money for the team, he had to have the best players and the best product.
Even when the team was terrible , we still saw some great players playing.
They also knew that the heart of the machine was the STH. If you lose them you lose all that guaranteed money as well as ambassadors.
The first thing I can safely say EWarl would be harping about is getting rid of DC. This team has not performed how fans want it to and will drag the team down to probably the worst STH numbers ever. The team isnot icing any true stars and can not get them to sign here.
People here talk about money. OKAY, what player in next year's team is going to be a star? Is going to attrat the fans?
Even if Pineli is cut by CBJ and sent back he is not coming here.
Foster it would not surprise me to see him want out.
EKBERG is either going to be wanting a trade or will stay home.
The final point I will make is fans come to games to see the Future NHL stars at a lower price. If all you have are mid tier playes then fans will not be interested. If you coach mid-tier standard players, agents and thenHL will not be interested.
As per OMG^& I am out of here have better things sto do looks like Springer and Cooper are a better tandem than Larry Junior