I firmly believe the Dever hit was a vicious check to the head but I don’t think there is a video angle that clearly shows it.
The challenge the 67’s will face is the officials cannot have too many penalty pebbles in one pocket during a game. The officials will tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the weaker team, especially if the score is a little lopsided. That is just a reality. I think it falls more in that category for the most part.
With respect to the game tonight, I felt when the game started to get out of hand, the officials should have started assessing more 10 minute misconducts to gain some control.
The 67’s also asked for it a bit when they are up 6-2 and on a 2 minute 5 on 3 advantage and they send out their first PP unit. I understand the reason why they did it but why rub salt in the wound at that point? The game is over. What are they trying to prove? Sometimes you need to take the high road and let shit cool off.
I love Stonehouse and the way he plays but let’s be real. He asks to be a target so when he does get targeted with a bad hit, we need to understand that is going to inevitably happen.
With respect to Kenny Walls, I think he is being a bit dramatic. He does make some good points overall but I think he is pushing the point a bit too far. He is exagerating some of the stuff happening to Ottawa. For example, if Boucher had not gotten a. 2 game suspension for being the agGregor, would he have made such a big stink about Lockhart today? I doubt it. Judge the penalties based on the actual play itself and stop trying to make comparisons to other plays. We need to stop with the “whataboutisms” and concentrate on winning games. Take the attitude that every team is below us and approach the games like that. Understand that the opposition has to play up to the 67’s, not the other way around.